Saturday, March 5, 2011

Robin Williamson & Silbury Hill

Photo by John Haxby

I bought my ticket to England, to the Goddess Conference, and a ticket for the Glastonbury Symposium as well.  Whew!  Now Visa owns my soul, no doubt.  But ever since I read The Veiw from Atlantis  in the early 70's by John Michell, I've wanted to visit Silbury Hill, and walk among the megalithic stones of that  landscape.  And one of the voices that captured my imagination was the Scottish Bard, Robin Williamson., and his wonderful narrative poem "5 Denials on Merlin's Grave".  Here the great Bard tells a much shorter tale, with images of  Silbury by Glaznoz. 



Gail said...

spiderwoman, I enjoyed that tremendously. The magick of Glastonbury will be well worth your soul. I am truly grateful and indebted to you for introducing me to the most wondrous ideas, people and magickal things. Blessed Be!!! Gail

Lauren Raine said...

Thanks Gail - blessed be to you also!