Friday, April 15, 2011

Mything Links

Kathleen Jenks MYTHING LINKS

I'd like to introduce Kathleen Jenks wonderful Mything Links site, and I'm touched that she chose to open her Spring Equinox page with one of my favorite poems, based upon the Celtic Goddess the Morrigan, warrior Goddess, bringer of Justice, and also the one who  remembers those who have fallen, bearing the brave away to the Summer Land. 
 I think, re-imagining that poem, that true justice has to be circular and gestalt: founded on the empathy that arises from experiencing "both sides now".


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! The piece you wrote really speaks to the heart of, well, everything!

Lauren Raine said...

Thanks trish..........i love this woman's blog. I feel more like I've been embarrousing myself wiht having tantrums lately - strange times we live in, no?