Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day

 We have a beautiful mother

Her green lap
Her brown embrace
Her blue body
everything we know.

Alice Walker 

Here she is reading the poem:

I think it was Joanna Macy who coined the term "world as lover, world as self".  May that understanding reach our hearts as we celebrate, indeed, our Beautiful Mother. 


Anonymous said...

Lovely poem and tribute to Earth Day!

Valerianna said...

Wonderful offerings, thanks!

Misha said...

What a wonderful post and tribute!

Therese said...

Just stumbled upon your amazing work and beautiful blog. Hymn to the sacred body of the universe BLEW ME AWAY!
You made my day, will follow your blog.
Therese Sibon

Lauren Raine said...

Thanks! Yes, the ritual event "Praises for the World" is on DVD, available at Jennifer Berezon's website - truly an inspiring event. I watch it all the time, and it's where I first learned about Drew Dellinger's poem.