Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Mask Making Workshop, November 10-13, 2016

Patricia Ballentine with almost finished "Green Woman" mask

Getting started:  casting a face with a partner

Time for the other partner

A meditative moment within the (quickly) drying new cast

And off it comes!

Yes, that's you!  The negative cast waiting to be filled with plaster

Getting Plastered!

An Alter for the process

Cleaning the new plaster positive from the cast

Now we have a perfect cast of each face

Shaping the vegetable tanned leather over the plaster cast

Shaped on the plaster cast, a leather mask

Mask has been fixed, textures added, and given an undercoat of paint

The finished mask after the last coat of paint


Thinking about what Story the mask may tell

Stories abide!

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