Showing posts with label the "Witche's New Year". Show all posts
Showing posts with label the "Witche's New Year". Show all posts

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Feast of Samhain (2.)


I offer now bread, red fruit, red wine

To life:

To the dreamers, planters and gatherers, 

to makers and unmakers, the innocent and the wise.

To the inarticulate, lost, hungry, and fallen, 

to every transparent lover

wandering these grey bardos in their solitude.

Come to the table, all. 

Here is a rich conversation harvested from the last living garden.

A dappled pear, an apple, a pomegranate.

A butterfly in it's chrysalis, winged, moist,

the slow rebirth of color deep in the depths of this dream.

The weathervanes will turn again.

The wheat has new life in it yet. 

The blessing will still be given.