Showing posts with label ecological arts sites and networks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ecological arts sites and networks. Show all posts

Friday, November 27, 2009

Another Circle of Hands

While surfing for "environmental art", I found another Circle of Hands, this beautiful photograph created by participants in an environmental arts festival in Iran, in 2007. For information, visit the story by Iranian Radio. The story and images are also to be found at the Green Museum. I found this image so striking I wanted to share it, and the story of these students creating this festival against the desert (kavir) landscape. That it took place in Iran, all the more so. I take the liberty of copying text and images from the post here.

For information on environmental art, also visit the Green Museum's Blog. Below, I list more great links to Earth Arts websites and blogs.

Nov 16, 2007

Color, Leaf, and Kavir:
Environmental Art Festival of Kerman unveiled the freshness of Kavir


"The festival began in Vahdat Hall at Shahid Bahonar University in Kerman, with speeches and discussions on the concept of environmental arts.

On the third day of the festival artists gathered in Shahdad Kavir a
nd presented their works in a kavir (desert) background. This area is one of the most attractive outlooks of Kavir because of its statue-like walls called "clot." 200 young artists and art teachers of Kerman Province joined the festival.
On th e last day of the festival the art works were reviewed and discussed. The participants were mainly from Kerman province coming from various universities. The initiative was taken by the scientific association of the painting course of the Saba Arts and Architecture School of Shahid Bahonar University. Environmental art festivals have been held during the last few years in various parts of the country. The Pardiss international center has created seven festivals. " (

Other environmental arts related sites : (
ecoartspace blog
Environmental arts (Orion Magazine)


Art + Environment
CSPA Connect
Deep Craft
Ear to the Earth
Earth Artists NetworkSEEDS
The Art of Engagement

"As if to help us change our perspective on war, discoveries within quantum physics suggest the belief that we can achieve a position of dominance in relation to nature, life or each other is, ultimately, an illusion. Each of us is an expression of a vast sea or field of consciousness - invisible, and as yet barely recognised by us. We are all connected to each other through our participation in a great living web of life. It would seem that we are, literally, "our brother's keeper".

Anne Baring,
"The Web of Life"