Showing posts with label Temple of Sekhmet in Nevada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Temple of Sekhmet in Nevada. Show all posts

Friday, January 20, 2012

Update on the Temple of Sekhmet

I'm delighted to have been given a residency at the Temple  of Sekhmet   in Nevada (not far from Las Vegas) on the 17th to 26th of April.  

I'll be teaching a Masks of the Goddess mask making weekend workshop there for women.  (I love especially doing workshops where the participants can stay overnight, and "incubate" the work together).  

Looking forward to meeting the people at the Temple, which is also a major center for Peace Activism, and meeting the Goddess of the Desert.

Image of "Sekhmet" courtesy Abbi Spinner McBridge

  "Om Sekhmet" Invocational Music  by Abbi Spinner McBride

Monday, January 16, 2012

Temple of Sehkmet in the Desert

There's a Temple dedicated to the Egyptian Lioness Goddess Sekhmet in the Nevada desert.........a wonderful place that  offers retreat and ritual. 

The Temple of Sekhmet was built in 1993, and continues to thrive.  Candace Ross is the resident Priestess, since 2007.

There is a lovely song dedicated to Sekhmet, and to the Temple in Nevada, by Abbi Spinner - the link below will take you to it:

  "Om Sekhmet" by Abbi Spinner McBride

As an aside, as I was browsing for contemporary devotees of Sekhmet (after, of course, Wikipedia) I ran across this:

'This is an Informational/Devotional site concerning what the ancient Egyptian lion-headed Goddess Sekhmet–as the Goddesss of Synchronicity–is doing during THIS Space/Time."

From All Things Sekhmet
The Goddess of synchronicity............hmm........I hope to learn more about this Goddess and her temple in the desert!

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