Showing posts with label Performance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Performance. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

"Lilith" Performance

Here is the second performance  I participated in at a  Performance Showcase at the Carport Theatre, the wonderful community theatre created by multi media artist Kathy Keler here in Tucson.   It was my pleasure to offer two pieces (which were  created and  pre-recorded with the great help of Kathy) and  performed by Diane Warren.    

This is the second, the voice of Lilith.   In Judeo/Christian traditions, Lilith was the first wife of Adam.  Because she would not submit to him, she left Eden, and was forbidden to return, and she made a dwelling in the deserts, with the fallen angel Sammael

My story looks at it from a different point of view, perhaps, that of Lilith.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

"Spider Woman Speaks" Performance

Yesterday I participated in a Performance Showcase at the Carport Theatre, the wonderful community theatre created by multi media artist Kathy Keler here in Tucson.   It was my pleasure to see two pieces (which were  created and  pre-recorded with the great help of Kathy) and  performed by Diane Warren.     The first performance was  Spider Woman,  who is found, sometimes, in the deserts of the wide South West.   Because you came there with empty hands.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Curse of the Morrigan


I wrote this for a performance 15 or 20 years ago, and I still think it may be the finest poem I ever wrote, because I sometimes think She Herself was there with me when I wrote it.  It honestly was a moment when I felt like I was a channel for a voice greater than my own.  I never told anyone that before, but feel I should now.  It was a gift.

I love it because the Morrigan, Celtic  Goddess of Justice, and honorable Battle, and honorable Lamentation,  speaks in the poem with the circular and expanded  wisdom of a Goddess, the one who  speaks far from the limited view of  "revenge" and "consequences", but speaks rather from the wide spiral  perspective of the evolution of the soul.  

I also love the poem  because I think it's so important now to open a way for the Warrior Goddesses, for the Morrigan, to come into our hearts and into our world, before too much, far, far too much, is lost.  The next human evolution, I truly believe, is one of empathy, which to me means living within the Circle of life, feeling and sensing our connections on every level.   We see the cycles, we see the ripples, we see, and gain the  capacity to Circle, and Circle, and Circle, until, at last, we 

"find our faces before we were born,
and drink from deep, deep waters."




You who bring suffering to children: 
May you look into the sweetest, most open eyes, and howl the loss of your own innocence.
You who ridicule the poor, the grieving, the lost, the fallen, the inarticulate, the wounded children in grown-up bodies:  
 May you look into each face, and see a mirror.  May all your cleverness fall into the abyss of your speechless grief, your secret hunger,  may you look into that black hole with no name, and find....the most tender touch in the darkest night, the hand that reaches out.  May you take that hand.  May you walk all your circles home at last, and coming home, know where you are.
You tree-killers, you  wasters:
 May you breathe the bitter dust, may you thirst, may you walk hungry in the wastelands,  the barren places you have made.  And when you cannot walk one step further,  may you see at your foot a single blade of grass, green, defiantly green.  And may you be remade by it's generosity.
And those who are greedy in a time of famine: 
 May you be emptied out, may your hearts break not in half, but wide open in a thousand places,  and may the waters of the world pour from each crevice, washing you clean.
Those who mistake power for love: 
 May you know true loneliness.  And when you think your loneliness will drive you mad, when you know you cannot bear it one more hour,  may a line be cast to you,  one shining, light woven strand of the Great Web glistening in the dark.  And may you hold on for dear life.
Those passive ones, those ones who force others to shape them, and then complain
if it's not to your liking: 
May you find yourself in the hard place with your back against the wall.  And may you rage, rage until you find your will.  And may you learn to shape yourself.
And you who delight in exploiting others, imagining that you are better than they are:
May you wake up in a strange land as naked as the day you were born and thrice as raw.  May you look into the eyes of any other soul, in your radiant need and terrible vulnerability. 
May you know your Self.  And may you be blessed by that communion.

And may you love well, thrice and thrice and thrice, 
and again and again and again, 
may you find your face before you were born.  

And may you drink from deep, deep waters.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Thousand Hands of Quan Yin - Stunning Performance by Deaf & Blind Performers

Thousand Hand Guan Yin-"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is an astonishing performance in celebration of the Goddess of Compassion, Quan Yin.  It is even more astonishing when one learns that this Chinese production was performed by deaf  and blind performers.  Quan Yin, like Tara, is the embodiment of infinite mercy and assistance to all who call on her.  She is "She who hears the cries of the world".   Avalokitesvara means  "Lord/Lady who looks down", a  Bodhisattva who embodies compassion. Kuan Yin has a thousand arms with which to scatter blessings, a thousand arms with which to bring help to those in need. What an amazing invocation these performers make!