Showing posts with label Patricia Ballentine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Patricia Ballentine. Show all posts

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Litany of the Real by Patricia Ballentine

I wanted to share this beautiful Meditation/Praise Video by my friend Patricia.  And a few of her words from her Blog as well.  The questions she poses are important questions as the worldmind increasingly seems submerged in cyberspace, internet fantasy, cellphone addiction, AI, and a touchless  pace that scrolls our lives by with very little contact with what really matters.

How do we retain the capacity to recognize what is real? 

As an artist, I have first-hand experience regarding the evolution of creative tools over the last 20 or 30 years. I have experienced the challenging conversations when being told that any art I created on the computer wasn't real art. In some ways, my ability to incorporate some technology into the creative process makes me uniquely qualified to recognize and speak to the difference between artists who utilize technology as an aspect of their creative work and people who are using AI (artificial intelligence) to tell a computer program to make something they will then describe and promote as art. 

There is an increasingly problematic trend toward being satisfied with what is on the surface and not caring about a deeper connection to, and understanding of, the human essence that goes into the act of creating. And although it should be obvious that this goes far beyond what is described as art, apparently it is not. 

At what cost have we surrendered to what is easy and entertaining?  

We are becoming technologically advanced beyond our capacity to see the inherent dangers on the path ahead. The technology is not the danger. In some cases it is our desire for a simpler existence without the willingness to release the grip of materialism. In some cases it is the result of the weight of pressures in our daily lives that leave us with little energy or imagination to seek something beyond what is simply in front of us. And, in some cases it is the result of diminished caring for the hands, hearts, and minds of others.

Through our aspirations of greatness and power have we begun to lose that which makes us human?

Technology and scientific advancements are vital in ways that cannot be measured. But to move beyond the potential for good and look to what serves the greater good requires our individual and collective capacity and willingness to see and understand what is all around us. It isn't just about AI and artists. And it isn't just about fake news and politics. It is about seeing, caring about, and holding onto what is real for ourselves and for others.

And so, in these many days and weeks the questions churned in my mind and heart. They stirred my imagination and fueled my belief that we can each play a part in holding onto the beauty and power of what is real...and what must not be lost. 

This is my offering released at the August full moon. 

The Litany of the Real.

It is my personal next first step toward making Sacred what is real.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Imagining Beauty ~ Traveling the Path of the Heart by Patricia Ballentine

I wanted to share the beautiful video Presentation (with her permission) that Priestess and Artist Patricia Ballentine gave at the 18th Conference on Current Pagan Studies that she gave just this past weekend.  The Theme was "Visions of Imagination and Creativity" and Patricia's video about the creation of her Labyrinth was my favorite presentation, both a sharing of the creative journey, and a meditation on finding the pathway to the Heartland.   Thank you Patricia for all that you bring to a world thirsty for what you offer.  To learn more about her work, visit her Blog THE CREATIVE FLAME

Imagining Beauty: Traveling the Path of the Heart

"Imagination can raise us up or tear us down. It is something we all have and use every day. When we anticipate a next step we are imagining what an outcome may be. When we resist taking an action we may be imagining that the future will look like the past. The challenge is to imagine the higher turn rather than being held back by imagining the worst as we take each step on the winding path of life. THAT is the greatest magic! 

In 2021 I created a 14' x 14' hand painted and stitched portable canvas labyrinth. The intention was to create something that would serve as a tool to bridge generations, weave inter-tradition communications, and support community building. I didn't realize how deeply the creative process would take me into my inner multi-generational work. From the spark of inspiration to the final steps of completion and consecration I gained clarity into my vision of, and devotion to the path of Beauty. 
This video steps the viewer through the process from the spark of inspiration to completion and consecration, revealing the call to Beauty."