Showing posts with label Damanhur Community. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Damanhur Community. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Good News: Eco-Villages

I feel like it's very important to remember how very resilient the human spirit can be,  how possible it is for us to adapt, and how resilient nature can respond when we live in attunement, in "good relationship" with the earth. 

 In this time when it seems that the world is mired in war, greed and folly, as a counter, it's especially important to remember that  there is much that is hopeful.   I had fun archiving videos of the communities below, all of which have been around for a very long time, and a few of which I've been able to visit, if only briefly.  As one member of Findhorn,  who is interviewed below, comments, "sustainability won't work unless it's also fun".  Here are a few of the  hopeful experiments going on right now.  There is also a list of some of the world's ecovillages and ecocommunities  available through the Fellowship for Intentional Communities.  

One of my favorites is the Flying Fish Eco Village in Fiji .....I'd love to visit there! There is an annual Symposium on Intentional Communities (which I attended in the '90's), that is usually held at Twin Oaks Community in Virginia.  It's inexpensive to attend, and you can meet members of communities from all over the world.

Ecovillage at Ithaca, NY
Greater World Earthship Community, Taos, NM

The Farm, Tennessee
  The Sirius Community, Shutesbury, Mass.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


I recently talked with a friend who had never heard of the extraordinary community, and "Temple of Humankind", of Damahur, in Italy. So, for any who may not be aware of this amazing accomplishment, now a famous ecovillage and non-denominational spiritual center as well, I make this post. It is such an amazing place, and such an amazing accomplishment, that I cannot even begin to describe it, so I offer here links to the community site, and the Temple site (above). For anyone who hasn't encountered Damanhur before, enjoy!

"Damanhur, is an eco-society based on ethical and spiritual values, awarded by an agency of the United Nations as a model for a sustainable future. Founded in 1975, the Federation has about 1,000 citizens and extends over 500 hectares of territory throughout Valchiusella and the Alto Canavese area, at the foothills of the Piedmont Alps. Damanhur offers courses and events all year round, and it is possible to visit for short periods as well as longer stays for study, vacation or regeneration."