I often try to explain to others what is the focus of the Goddess events I attend, what, in other words, do I believe. That question is not easily answered.......when I listen to people like Vicki Noble, Joan Marler, Mirrium Dexter, Starhawk, or Kathy Jones speak, it comes together in a great visionary whole, a hopeful paradigm shift that never fails to inspire, provoke, and challenge the long standing assumptions, so deeply embedded, within our culture. So I take the liberty of sharing here the first two parts to SIGNS OUT OF TIME, a 2004 documentary by Donna Read and Starhawk, narrated by Olympia Dukakis, based on the work and life of archeologist Marija Gimbutas, who found that Europe's prehistoric origins lay in a cooperative, peaceful, Paleolithic and Neolithic culture whose universal prime deity was a Mother Goddess. Her theories challenge conventional archaeology, history, spirituality, theology, and religious studies, while inspiring artists, feminists, environmentalists, permaculturists, and activists to explore a revolutionary paradigm of peace upon Mother Earth.