Saturday, March 4, 2023

A Spider Synchronicity..........


I've been feeling depressed of late, certainly uninspired, and troubled so often by those internal voices that say "why bother, no one cares about (art..........the written  Those inner voices are sure a show stopper, and sometimes, it is very difficult to turn them off.  When that happens I usually just let my life be taken over by mundane chores.

In traffic yesterday I noted a car in front of me that had a liscence plate that said "ARACHNE3".  I reflected on all the years I "followed the trail of Spider Woman", the revised book I just finished called "Spider Woman's Hands".  All the synchronicities I've recounted over the years..............

When I moved into the turn lane that car moved into the turn lane too, right ahead of me, and I had plenty of time to look at that plate.  It preceeded me all the way to the small street I live on, at which point I had to turn.  I don't know what this means, but it seems encouraging somehow.

I reflect on this, from the previous post of a poem by David Whyte:

What we hate
in ourselves
is what we cannot know
in ourselves but
what is true to the pattern
does not need

to be explained.

1 comment:

Trish MacGregor said...

Good one! Seems like a confirmation to me!!