Thursday, March 4, 2021

A Synchronicity.............


Back in the summer of 2000 I had moved to Tucson from California, mostly to be of assistance to my mother and brother,  and also a great deal because, like many others, I could not afford to continue to live in the Bay Area.   I rented an apartment and settled back in to living in Arizona, not without some ambiguity, as I had loved living in the exciting environment of Berkeley.

Some mail continued to arrive for previous tenants, and one day a card arrived for "Angel M Grace".  I was struck by the idea of having a "credit card" for "Angel M Grace" and thought of it as good luck - I put it in my wallet, and I've carried the thing around now for 20 some years!  

Yesterday I was cleaning my wallet out looking for something and I pulled out my "Angel Card".  I had never actually read the line that says "Must Activate by 09/08/00."  Then I remembered that exactly 20 years after that "activation date" was when I had my spine operation - September 8th, 2020.   

In July, 2020 I got shingles, and in the course of dealing with this seemingly painful but not catastrophic problem, the doctor had me get an MRI.   A few days after that I found myself with an emergency appointment with a neurosurgeon!  It seemed that I had some dangerous spurs on my neck/spine that could lead to paralysis if not corrected!  They wanted to operate as soon as possible, and I now am recovered, and have a bunch of metal pins in my spine.  

I guess that card got activated!


Trish MacGregor said...

Wow, Lauren! That one is powerful!

Lauren Raine said...

Thanks Trish! I think there is a "ps" to this, as just this morning I randomly opened a book I recently purchased, because of reading about it on YOUR Blog, by Dr. Beitman ("Connecting with Coincidence"). I was half asleep with coffee in hand and my eye fell on the name "Raine" on the page I opened it to. I thought, "huh, someone with the same last name as me." Then I read on a bit farther was me! I was delighted to read one of my own synchronicities about the "internet Angel" in the book! Now I'm going to try to figure out what this synchro means for me, but I feel encouraged and grateful.