"Mask for Kali" (2014) |
I seem to be dreaming masks again these days, and thus, this new Kali mask insisted upon being made.............
Kali Ma is greatly revered by millions of Hindus. As religious archetype, She can be very hard for Westerners to understand.
Kali is the Dark Goddess, found throughout India, in Tibet manifesting as Black Tara, as far away as Bali manifesting as Rangda. She is beloved, and She is terrible, a personification of the transformative powers of the Three-fold Mother Goddess as destroyer and changer. The Goddess as three-fold (as Maiden (birth), Mother (sustainer), and Crone (destroyer)) is an ancient symbol of the ever changing processes of life.....the Trinity is probably Indo-European in origin, and is found in the Hindu Brahma/Vishnu/Shiva trinity, and perhaps in the Father/Son/Holy Ghost Trinity as well.
Kali's tale begins when the Hindu Gods could not defeat a plague of demons that were destroying the Earth. They called at last upon Durga, who manifested Kali. And it was Kali who destroyed the demons - but in her ecstasy, she could not be stopped, and so the Gods called upon her Consort, Shiva, to enter the battlefield to stop her. He lay down before her, and when she stepped upon his body, Kali at last stopped and ceased her blood lust.
Kālī means "black, dark coloured", and is also drawn from the Sanskrit word for time. Kāla primarily means "time" but also means "black" in honor of being the first creation before light - the "black matter/Mater" from which all is born.
Here is the destruction of that which has become corrupt, rotten, but interestingly, within this imagery there is also often a Tantric meaning, the arising of the power of Kundalini, symbolized by the erect penis of Shiva, the Eros that is the vitality of creation, the new seed.
"Kālī means "the black one" and refers to her being the entity of "time" or "beyond time." Kāli is strongly associated with Shiva, and Shaivas derive the masculine Kāla (an epithet of Shiva) to come from her feminine name. A nineteenth-century Sanskrit dictionary, the Shabdakalpadrum, states: कालः शिवः । तस्य पत्नीति - काली । kālaḥ śivaḥ । tasya patnīti kālī - "Shiva is Kāla, thus, his consort is Kāli" referring to Devi Parvathi being a manifestation of Devi MahaKali. Other names include Kālarātri ("black night"), as described above, and Kālikā ("relating to time"). Kāli's association with darkness stands in contrast to her consort, Shiva, who manifested after her in creation, and who symbolises the rest of creation after Time is created. "
by Lauren Raine
Once upon a time,The world became overpopulated by demonsThey filled the world with their insatiable greedand reproduced themselves endlesslyThey ate the light of day,
They soiled the airThey consumed the trees,
They swallowed the watersThey devoured the lands with insatiable greed.
Eating, eating eating! Fill me!
Until there were no more things of beauty madeor new dreams dreamed
or children born.The Gods called to Me,
The unborn ones called to Me.
The time had come
to say Enough. And.....NO MORE!
I am the Goddess of No More!
I, I am the one who devours....fool!
I, I am the shadow,
the flame, the dancing feet
of all those whose lives are wasted
by the demons of greed and arrogance
I....I am the Mother
of those who are yet to come!
Jai Ma, Kali Ma!
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Kali Yantra |
by Drissana Devananda
by Drissana Devananda
I wanted to create a performance for Kali. As I drove to the
event, I brought a costume, and a live snake with me, thinking the snake represented
the serpentine energy of the kundalini. I had a sense of what to do, but I didn't have a script, a plan.
When I went on stage, and I took a newspaper, and acted as if I was reading a paper. I just let the mundane
despair come out. "I can't stand it!" I said, and then I turned my
back to the audience, just breathing, and whispered, "When I meditate,
sometimes I become a Goddess......."
Then I put on the mask. And a hot, hot energy seemed to rip through me. I turned around, faced the audience, and words just fell out of my mouth.
Then I put on the mask. And a hot, hot energy seemed to rip through me. I turned around, faced the audience, and words just fell out of my mouth.
As I picked up the snake, I remember saying, "This is
the Kundalini, this is the serpent." I spoke about how we channel that
enormous energy into sexuality, but we don't understand that it can rise
further into our hearts, our vision centers, infusing our entire being. All of
this was spontaneous! I genuinely can't say it was I, Drissana, who did it.
When I went into the dressing room later, I was shaking. It was as if Kali had
left, and I was just this small, exhausted person, who for a moment had been
inhabited by that ferocious intelligence.
Kali is the surgeon. She cuts away what has to go. I ask for
that quality when I have to cut something out of my life; an addiction, or a
relationship that no longer is about growth. And I ask it be done precisely,
this cutting away of dis-ease, malignancy, the aspects that no longer serve.
Kali was the last resort savior. When the Gods couldn't kill the demonic forces
that ravaged the Earth, they called on a woman's wrath.
We all have the ability to call the Goddesses into
ourselves. I can do this in my dance, but in everyday life it's more difficult.
That's why I thrive on performance, because I can freely let those forces work
through me. What I forget is that we can call on them at other times. We've
forgotten that the Goddess dwells within us, all the time, and not just when we
wear a mask, or are in workshop, or a ritual. We are, in Tantric terms,
extensions or emanations of the Gods and Goddesses - we are their material
aspects. We're not bodies that are seeking the spirit, we're spirits that are
seeking bodily experiences.
Remembering is a devotional practice. In the Hindu
tradition, everyone has a deity they focus on as their personal deity. In the
West, as we begin to reclaim the Goddess for spiritual practice, we each need
to create a relationship with the Goddess form we have chosen, in order to
manifest what we need for spiritual and emotional growth, to invoke the help we
need. That practice is not just cerebral. We function out of our whole self,
our bodies and spirits. The body-mind. That is where we re-member, we
communicate with the Goddess within ourselves.
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Performance 2000, Photo courtesy Tom Lux |
It's time to embrace the sword of Kali and start cutting away the delusions that are destroying our world. This is the ferocious mother who says "get away from my children, or I'll kill you."
Mothers today aren't saying that. They're giving their children away. Giving them away to war, giving them away by allowing our environment to be depleted, giving permission to the powers that be to destroy their future.
This is the dance of Kali.
**These are two of the "spirit photos" from a 2004 ritual theatre performance called "Restoring the Balance". I always felt very blessed, or affirmed, in these surprising photos, which I shared with the cast, although not with others after a while, realizing that many people did not believe they were "real". Quynn Elizabeth, a Shamanic practitioner in Tucson, invoked and performed with the Kali mask - and amazingly, these goat-like images appearing three of the photographs from that segment of the event. Later we learned that in India goats have been sacrificed to Kali - something we did not know. Below is seen the back of Quynn's head, and appearing behind her is a kind of figure eight or infinity symbol, and the "goat". Perhaps, the meaning of this phenomenon, is that Spirit was providing a symbolic "sacrifice" for our dance........
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From "Restoring the Balance" (2004). Photo courtesy Ann Beam. |
1 comment:
Our dusky conure was named Kali, and for all the reasons you mention here. She lived only 5 years, but taught us a great deal about the fundamentals of cutting loose, cutting free. Beautiful.
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