Friday, October 14, 2011

Food as Medicine - Two New Movies

 I'm sure most who might be reading this blog are aware of these two recent movies, but just in case, I wanted to post about them, because I think they are both so very important.  FORKS OVER KNIVES
features the work of two medical doctors, and research and commentary from many others, who advise Americans to adapt a whole foods, vegan diet.
"The film  examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting animal-based and processed foods."
I think the films research and interviews are beautifully presented and very convincing - I know the film will be a lifesaver for many people, now and in the future.  What I also appreciated was that they also addressed the issue of cruelty to animals and the terrible environmental damage, and waste of land use,  that the cattle industry in particular represents. 

The other film I love is FAT, SICK AND NEARLY DEAD, an often very funny film by Australian filmmaker Joe Cross.  At only 41, Joe found himself grossly overweight, and taking dozens of pills daily just to function.  In his own words, "Enough was enough!", and so he went to the U.S. and started a 60 day juice fast, also driving across the country from New York to California in the process.  Along the way to getting off all pills, losing weight and regaining his health, he met many people, including a desperately overweight and ill truck driver who he met in a truck stop in Winslow.  Joe inspired Phil to do the same thing, and a year later Phil is giving workshops at health food stores, his own health and life "rebooted" as well.  Joe Cross is quite a character, and  I just love this film!


Anonymous said...

Fantastic links! Thank you. I'm off to watch both of these.

kaykay said...

Lauren, I found your blog by accident (the divine path). It truely is wonderful the way life unfolds, so many connections. Thank you for Inspiring. Karen

kaykay said...

Lauren, I found your blog by accident (the divine path). It truely is wonderful the way life unfolds, so many connections. Thank you for Inspiring. Karen