Showing posts with label Glastonbury Goddess Conference 2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glastonbury Goddess Conference 2011. Show all posts

Monday, August 1, 2011

Waters of the World Ceremony

"We welcome you to Avalon
Thank you for bringing the Waters of your lands.
Together we'll make a great medicine of love."

The Goddess Conference here at Glastonbury ended yesterday with some beautiful rituals, and I find myself feeling at a loss to write it all, but I'll try.  Having done week long ritual cycles in the past, as well as leading a few around the work of the mask, I've experienced the kind of "group mind" or entrainment that happens when one works together in sacred space and "mythic mind".  That sounds pretty lame and academic - forgive me.

Imagine gathering the first day in groups of people who come from different parts of the world - in my case, from the "west".   We have all brought water from our homes, and speaking of this, we pour our water into a vessel, which later will become added to a vessel for all participants. As an opening ceremony, each group approaches the Priestesses of Avalon in a barge, "rowing" to share our waters to the magic isle.  This water will be joined with rituals at the "holy wells of Avalon", the Chalice Well and the White Spring.  Later small vials of this charged, healing, universal "water of the well, water of the world" are given to each of us to carry back, and we will all make a procession with our banners through the streets of Glastonbury to the river (which once was a great lake, the legendary home of the Lady of the Lake) to pour some of this water into the flowing waters.

Quite a wonderful sight, to see so many blue clad, singing women and men gathered waist high in the stream, with our vessels of water, and a woven mermaid!  Then a sharing of fruit, to remind all that the Goddess gives to us the fruits of the Earth, always, to share, and to receive.

The closing ceremony included a "give away" where all present exchanged gifts.  And I leave with my heart open, and my vials of water to share with other waters, and to remember.

You know, I honestly feel rather speechless - moved, changed by this experience, the ceremony, the people, the place.   The work is about the Goddess, and it is collective, and a field opens that is also deeply personal and transformative.  A "mystery".  One sees with mythic eyes, with archetypal vision, and waking life becomes a revelation.  For example,  at the river yesterday, I picked a branch of elderberries, finding them beautiful, and wanting to add them to the "fruits" being shared, but decided it wasn't a good idea.  I wasn't even sure they were edible.  Some seeing me with them in my hand told me that they were very magical, connected to the Crone and the Goddesses of the underworld.  That's why they were called "elderberry".  She also said they made medicine from them, and Elderberry wine.

I carried those darkly beautiful berries all the way back, thinking as I returned (wet) from the river, and pouring our waters into the worlds waters thus, about my soon to be 62nd birthday.  I'll be eligible for early retirement now.  I'm entering old age, and I don't know what it means - it's this cycle of my life now.  Sometimes, to be honest, I feel very sad and lonely in the midst of it all.  Elderberries, bearing elderberries from the river...............  Crone medicine.

When I got to the cafe at the Assembly Hall, gathering for the closing rituals, the cook was saying to someone "Oh, someone left a nice bottle of elderberry wine here last night.  Potent stuff.  "(!) 

I was amazed. since I was standing there with the same berries in my hand - so I asked her if I could try it!

And so I sat, waiting for the "gifting ceremony", with a nice glass of (like she said, potent stuff!) elderberry wine in my hand, feeling awed, and as if, on top if it all, I had some very magical "medicine" that had just been gifted to me, even before the "gifting ceremony" had begun.  Elderberry wine.  Healing tonic....... gifts of the crone goddess, potency.

It works that way. The huge generosity of world, and when people come together in love and ritual.........when we forgive, love, and join the waters.........

At the closing, white veils were drawn, the "mists of Avalon", and we left for homelands, bearing our vials of love, and "holy-wholly" water. From the Well of the Lady, the Well of becoming...........


Lammas blessings to all.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Glastonbury Goddess Conference begins

"The island of apples which men call “The Fortunate Isle” (Insula Pomorum quae Fortunata uocatur) gets its name from the fact that it produces all things of itself; the fields there have no need of the ploughs of the farmers and all cultivation is lacking except what nature provides. Of its own accord it produces grain and grapes, and apple trees grow in its woods from the close-clipped grass. The ground of its own accord produces everything instead of merely grass, and people live there a hundred years or more. There nine sisters rule by a pleasing set of laws those who come to them from our country." 

Geoffrey of Monmouth

  I stopped at the Roman Baths en route to Glastonbury, and saw the above...........felt like saying "Here I come!".  I brought with me my gift to the Temple, a mask based on the "Lady of Avalon".  It is primarily violet, based on the image I was sent, and included a rainbow, and apples.

"Avalon" meant the "Apple Isle", and I thought of so many wonderful legends of the apples of the Goddesses.  And, of course, Marian Zimmer Bradley's famous book "The Mists of Avalon".

The mask was presented to them yesterday, and I invited them to add to it as seems right, jewels or ribbons.   I love the thought that when I'm gone, the mask will remain, evolving story through the women who may chose to use it.

So walking to my B&B a few days after arriving, I felt naturally drawn to a bough of apples hanging over a wall, and went to help myself to a few of them..  Right where I reached for an apple was a little niche in the wall - and someone had left a polished amethyst there, with a wire on it so it could be worn on a cord!

I'll take that as a blessing, and find a cord for the stone!

Photo by Tony Howell (

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Waters of the World

© Photo by Cathy Frischknecht & Christian Bollmann

"O fountain mouth, giver, you, mouth, which
speaks inexhaustibly of that one, pure thing,—
you, mask of marble placed before
the water's flowing face..."

from Sonnets to Orpheus
by Rainer Maria Rilke 

 There is a wonderful ritual  we used to do at Reclaiming's Witchcamp called the "Waters of the World".  We would begin the week long event with a ceremony in which participants brought vials of water, gathered from throughout the world as those gathered were.  Each would empty water into the Chalice, naming the place from which the water came.  I remember the profound sense of gratitude, and the presence of the Holy, as I poured my little vial of water from the beloved Rio Grande into the Chalice.

The theme for this year's Glastonbury Goddess Conference is "Celebrating the Great Mother of Water ", and I will return from Glastonbury with a vial of water from the Chalice Well there.......a personal pilgrimage that I've longed to make for many years.

Freddy Silva, a world renowned researcher of crop circles, believes that the concentration of crop circles in the ancient sacred geomantic sites of southern England  is also about shifting or "raising"  the energies of the water tables there, which in turn flow into the ocean, impacting on subtle levels the entire world.

She is our universal Mother, the source and beginning of life.  We grow in Her amniotic waters and are born, we weep and our hearts open, we are "baptized" in Her waters and offered a new life.  And like children, which we really are, we take Her for granted, rarely noticing the great Mother who nourishes us.

When I was a teenager, I used to devour any science fiction I could get my hands on.  A child of the '50's, we grew up with "The Bomb", and a universal mythos of the End of the World at the hands of the inevitable military mind.  I still think "On the Beach", with Gregory Peck and Ava Gardner, is one of the most powerful movies ever made, and I remember well the terrible message Ray Bradbury told with his "Martian Chronicles".

Anyway, there was a story I read (I have no idea who the author was, and would love to find it again) in which "The Bomb" had happened, and an astronaut had the misfortune to be be the last living human being.  He saw it happen while orbiting the Earth, and landed to a desolate and barren world.  He begins to walk, and as he walks he hears voices  talking to him, calling to him.  He sees, through blowing dust,  his wife, his children, his friends, his dog, all just ahead, beckoning  images of everyone he's ever loved, calling to him urgently to hurry, to meet them somewhere in the distance.  At last, about to die from radiation, he finds himself standing on a beach, the waters of the ocean lapping gently against his ankles.  What called to him  was Mother Ocean, and as the story ends our desolate hero sinks, finally at peace,  into the water.  We're left to imagine that She will use his life, and the cells in his body,  to begin again.
 Pretty extraordinary story, considering it was written in the 50's, long before Gaia Theory, Women's Spirituality, or even Ecology!

I never forgot that story, although all of the Andre Norton I once read is long, long gone.

I know that I often sound rather apocalyptic, but I don't really feel I am.  I think, in this time of transformation,  we're being given a chance to grow up,  and become co-creators, instead of exploiters, of life.   In the face of so much loss, so much fear, it will be hard to hold that hope.  But I have a deep kind of faith in the adaptability of the human spirit, and beyond, the evolutionary mind of nature, of Gaia.

Holy Mother of Waters, I Praise You!

From The Huffington Post (6/20/2011)

If the current actions contributing to a multifaceted degradation of the world's oceans aren't curbed, a mass extinction unlike anything human history has ever seen is coming, an expert panel of scientists warns in an alarming new report.  The preliminary report from the International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO) is the result of the first-ever interdisciplinary international workshop examining the combined impact of all of the stressors currently affecting the oceans, including pollution, warming, acidification, overfishing and hypoxia.

 According to the report, three major factors have been present in the handful of mass extinctions that have occurred in the past: an increase of both hypoxia (low oxygen) and anoxia (lack of oxygen that creates "dead zones") in the oceans, warming and acidification. The panel warns that the combination of these factors will inevitably cause a mass marine extinction if swift action isn't taken to improve conditions.
"The 6th Extinction" (2007)

The report is the latest of several published in recent months examining the dire conditions of the oceans. A recent World Resources Institute report suggests that all coral reefs could be gone by 2050 if no action is taken to protect them, while a study published earlier this year in BioScience declares oysters as "functionally extinct", their populations decimated by over-harvesting and disease. Just last week scientists forecasted that this year's Gulf "dead zone" will be the largest in history due to increased runoff from the Mississippi River dragging in high levels of nitrates and phosphates from fertilizers.

A recent study in the journal Nature, meanwhile, suggests that not only will the next mass extinction be man-made, but that it is already  underway. Unless humans make significant changes to their behavior, that is.|main5|dl2|sec1_lnk3|71953

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Glastonbury Goddess Conference 2011

The Glastonbury Goddess Conference 2011

Tuesday 26th -Sunday 31st July
Now five full days of celebration!!
with Fringe events from Sunday July 24th

I'm delighted to be able to attend and be a presenter this coming July!  I'll also be attending the Glastonbury Symposium***   which should give me plenty of opportunity to learn about crop circles to my heart's delight.  I have no idea where cheap lodging can be found for all of this (if anyone reading this has any ideas, all lead are most welcome!)  I'm so happy to be able to participate in this wonderful conference - here is further information:

 Celebrating the Great Mother of Water at Lammas
Details are now online:

We are happy to welcome for the first time from the USA two pioneers of the Goddess movement –  Vicki Noble, co-creator of the Motherpeace Tarot, and  Zsuzsanna(Z) Budapest, Founder of the Dianic Wiccan Tradition!  With Conference Favourites: Anique Radiant Heart, Barbara Meiklejohn-Free, Carolyn Hillyer, Julie Felix, Kathy Jones, Lydia Ruyle and Lady Olivia Durdin Robertson.

Plus Presenters: Lauren Raine,  Amanda Baker, Annabel Du Boulay, Anna Saqqara Price, Charissa Schipper, Caroline Lir, Deonesea la Fey, Emma Rose Knight, Erin McCauliffe, Ganga Ashworth, Georgina Sirett-Hardie, Graell Corsini, Heloise Pilkington, Isabella Verbruggen, Isis Queen, Jacqui Woodward-Smith, Jennifer Cooper, Katinka Soetens, Kaye Cooksey, Koko Newport, Lisa Newing, Louise Bell, Louise Tarrier, Lydia Lite, Marion van Eupen, Mary Bruce, Michelle Patten, Miriam Raven, Morgaine, Noam Zimin, Oshia Drury, Rose Flint, Roz Bound, Sally Pullinger, Sharlea Johnson, Shirley-Ann Millar, Shoshana Horobin, Sophie Pullinger, Sue Quatermass, Tegwyn Hyndman, Thalia Brown, Tiana Pitman & Tina Free,

With Ceremonies and Praise Songs to the Great Goddess of Water, She who is the Source and Womb of all Life. Participate in moving Sacred Ceremonies, take part in inspiring Workshops, listen to fascinating Presentations, see beautiful Artwork & Stalls, Performances, Music, Song, Poetry and Dance. Visit the Holy Wells of the Goddess in Avalon, cleansing and immersing yourself in Her Healing Waters. Join one of Nine Wells - circles of support and participation in Conference Ceremonies. Dance the night away at the Goddess Gala Buffet and Masque, and join our Goddess Procession through the Landscape to the River Brue with a Fruit Feast!

To reserve a place:


*** The Glastonbury Symposium    

An annual three-day conference
of mysteries, truth and new frontiers:
 crop circles - environment - liberty issues - 2012
earth mysteries - new science - metaphysics
consciousness studies - UFOs - alternative health 

Meditation in the Abbey Park
Friday-Sunday, 22nd-24th July 2011
Town Hall,Glastonbury
2011 is the Symposium's twenty-first year!
One of Britain's longest-established
and most acclaimed 'alternative' conferences