Showing posts with label global humanity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label global humanity. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Vote as if the Future of Humanity Depends on It

I try to steer clear of politics in this blog, as there are so many other voices far more informed and eloquent than mine addressing this topic.  But, I have to say it, aside from watching the United States veer into an authoritarian dictatorship and the end of the American democratic experiment under Trump, aside from being the ONLY nation in the world, under Trump, to be withdrawn from the Paris Accord, aside from having the highest uncontrolled incidence of Covid19, under Trump and isolated by quarantine from the rest of the world, even Canada..............I agree with this writer and his article, and felt I needed to post it.  If you are a U.S. citizen, and care about the planet and the lives of your children and their children, vote.

Vote as if the Climate and the Future of Humanity Depend on It—Because They Do

Trump wants to steer us straight onto the rocks. This election may be humanity’s last shot to prevent utter climate catastrophe.

By Bill McKibben

SEPTEMBER 22, 2020

This story is part of Covering Climate Now, a global journalism collaboration strengthening coverage of the climate story.

To understand the planetary importance of this autumn’s presidential election, check the calendar. Voting ends on November 3—and by a fluke of timing, on the morning of November 4 the United States is scheduled to pull out of the Paris Agreement.

President Trump announced that we would abrogate our Paris commitments during a Rose Garden speech in 2017. But under the terms of the accords, it takes three years to formalize the withdrawal. So on Election Day it won’t be just Americans watching: The people of the world will see whether the country that has poured more carbon into the atmosphere than any other over the course of history will become the only country that refuses to cooperate in the one international effort to do something about the climate crisis.

Trump’s withdrawal benefited oil executives, who have donated millions of dollars to his reelection campaign, and the small, strange fringe of climate deniers who continue to insist that the planet is cooling. But most people living in the rational world were appalled. Polling showed widespread opposition, and by some measures, Trump is more out of line with the American populace on environmental issues than any other. In his withdrawal announcement he said he’d been elected “to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris”; before the day was out, Pittsburgh’s mayor had pledged that his city would follow the guidelines set in the French capital. Young people, above all, have despised the president’s climate moves: Poll after poll shows that climate change is a top-tier issue with them and often the most important one—mostly, I think, because they’ve come to understand how tightly linked it is not just to their future but to questions of justice, equity, and race.

Here’s the truth: At this late date, meeting the promises set in Paris will be nowhere near enough. If you add up the various pledges that nations made at that conference, they plan on moving so timidly that the planet’s temperature will still rise more than 3 degrees Celsius from preindustrial levels. So far, we’ve raised the mercury 1 degree Celsius, and that’s been enough to melt millions of square miles of ice in the Arctic, extend fire seasons for months, and dramatically alter the planet’s rainfall patterns. Settling for 3 degrees is kind of like writing a global suicide note.

Happily, we could go much faster if we wanted. The price of solar and wind power has fallen so fast and so far in the last few years that they are now the cheapest power on earth. There are plenty of calculations to show it will soon be cheaper to build solar and wind farms than to operate the fossil fuel power stations we’ve already built. Climate-smart investments are also better for workers and economic equality. “We need to have climate justice, which means to invest in green energy, [which] creates three times more jobs than to invest in fossil fuel energy,” United Nations Secretary General António Guterres said in an interview with Covering Climate Now in September. If we wanted to make it happen, in other words, an energy revolution is entirely possible. The best new study shows that the United States could cut its current power sector emissions 80 percent by 2035 and create 20 million jobs along the way.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris haven’t pledged to move that quickly, but their climate plan is the farthest-reaching of any presidential ticket in history. More to the point, we can pressure them to go farther and faster. Already, seeing the polling on the wall, they’ve adopted many of the proposals of climate stalwarts like Washington Governor Jay Inslee. A team of Biden and Bernie Sanders representatives worked out a pragmatic but powerful compromise in talks before the Democratic National Convention; the Biden-Harris ticket seems primed to use a transition to green energy as a crucial part of a push to rebuild the pandemic-devastated economy.

Perhaps most important, they’ve pledged to try to lead the rest of the world in the climate fight. The United States has never really done this. Our role as the single biggest producer of hydrocarbons has meant that our response to global warming has always been crippled by the political power of Big Oil. But that power has begun to slip. Once the biggest economic force on the planet, the oil industry is a shadow of its former self. (You could buy all the oil companies in America for less than the cost of Apple; Tesla is worth more than any other auto company on earth.) And so it’s possible that the hammerlock on policy exercised by this reckless industry will loosen if Trump is beaten.

But only if he’s beaten. Four more years will be enough to cement in place his anti-environmental policies and to make sure it’s too late to really change course. The world’s climate scientists declared in 2018 that if we had any chance of meeting sane climate targets, we had to cut emissions almost in half by 2030. That’s less than 10 years away. We’re at the last possible moment to turn the wheel of the supertanker that is our government. Captain Trump wants to steer us straight onto the rocks, mumbling all the while about hoaxes. If we let him do it, history won’t forgive us. Nor will the rest of the world.

Bill McKibben is the founder of climate change campaign, a scholar in residence at Middlebury College, and the author of the new book Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out?.

On climate change in California:

On Trump trying to incite civil war:

"To Trump and his core enablers and supporters, the laws of Trump Nation authorize him to do whatever he wants"

Greenland is rapidly melting:

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Statement by the Parliament of World Religions

I've been so overwhelmed and exhausted the past month that I've not had much time or energy to write, but there are articles of great merit by others I feel I would like to post, so I will begin with this sent to me by the Parliament of World Religions.  We are living in a time when there is great fear and division, but also the breaking of the crust of American complacency and denial, along with the heavy hand of neo-fascism, seems to be bringing things to visibility.  Maybe that's good, I've thought often on this.  As the poet Leonard Cohen said,  "There's a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in."

And as the prophet Leonard Cohen has always been, he released his last, and many say best, album "You Want It Darker", and died on the day Trump became president of the United States.

Parliament Executive Director Dr. Larry Greenfield's Statement on the Exclusionary Actions of the U.S. Government. 
From: Dr. Larry Greenfield
Executive Director
The Parliament of the World's Religions 
To Our Friends in the Interfaith Movement Around the World:

We who are your colleagues in the interfaith movement living in the United States pray that you will not forsake us because of what some of our political leaders are doing in our nation’s name.

We need you to understand that these political leaders do not speak for us, that they are not acting on our behalf, that, yes, they represent a part of our nation’s past, but not the best of our past. In fact, they represent the worst part of our national history.

They do not stand in the lineage of one of our greatest presidents, Abraham Lincoln, who in a time of great national division, asked that we draw on “the better angels of our nature.”

Another of our presidents, Franklin D. Roosevelt, told the nation in a time of testing that “we have nothing to fear, but fear itself.” But even that president created internment camps and imprisoned our sisters and brothers of Japanese decent for many years. That was a blemish on our nation’s reputation.

Now we are being blemished again, this time by our current president. He is using fear to rally our fellow citizens to demonize people from particular countries and a particular religion and to keep them from entering our country – a country, as you no doubt know, is a nation mostly of immigrants.

It is true that all of us across the world are mindful of dangers of terrorism and the need for security. But we together cannot meet that challenge by maligning and excluding one another.

So we want you to know that we oppose this tactic and this policy.

We want you to know that we honor people, like you, who come from other nations and other faith traditions.

We want you to know that we want to be in solidarity with you, when you are here with us in this country or with us, in spirit, when you are not here.

We want you to know that we need you to be patient with us while we fight the evils of fear, of xenophobia, of suspicion, of hate.

Don’t give up on us.

As one of our great leaders assured us: We shall overcome.

In friendship,

Larry Greenfield
Executive Director
Parliament of the World's Religions