Showing posts with label birth control for women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birth control for women. Show all posts

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Hobby Lobby wants to deny women employees birth control

Drop your suit or I'm dropping your store

Actually, going to Michaels is just fine with me from now on in.  By the way, is there anywhere in the Bible where Jesus says that women not have access to birth control?  What's next, a new Inquisition?

 Hobby Lobby, an arts and crafts retailer founded by evangelical Christians, just announced that it's suing the government over certain women's health provisions of the Affordable Care Act--mainly, they don't want to have to provide their employees with insurance coverage for some forms of birth control, like IUDs or the morning after pill.  If they win, the result could be devastating for women, enabling other businesses to deny female employees birth control.

We've got to speak up. Hobby Lobby is a business like any other, and depends on its customers and good public relations to be successful. If enough of us speak out and show Hobby Lobby's Chief Executive David Green that the public is outraged by this move, they might have to back off, and it might make other companies less likely to try the same thing.

Our message to Hobby Lobby CEO David Green

"All women deserve affordable access to birth control and its a woman's personal, medical decision on which form to use. I won’t be shopping at your store until you drop this suit, and I’ll be telling my friends to do the same."

Please sign and forward petition:

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Handmaid's Tale......

 If you think medievil thinking is a thing of the past, think again.  As we progress into a future of massive over-population, diminishing resources, and global warming,  the wise patriachs have a solution:  let's keep girls  pregnant, barefoot,  ignorant and in their place, as "He" supposedly ordains in the Bible. Remember Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale?

The right-wing has officially gone off the rails. Some have even compared Obama to Hitler - why?  Because the administration approved a rule mandating insurance coverage of birth control.Now Congress is saying they're going to overturn the mandate. "Pro-choice" used to mean abortion.  Now it is also apparently used to mean people who advocate birth control and women's rights to control their bodies.

According to NARAL  since the beginning of the 112th Congress the anti-choice majority in the U.S. House of Representatives has consistently been unleashing legislation attacking women's right to chose contraception.  They tried to eliminate funding for birth control and cancer screening at Planned Parenthood clinics nationally.   They have passed legislation that would allow hospitals to deny women emergency abortion care, even if it means she will die without it.  If this  was happening to people of color, there would be a huge outcry.  But because it's an issue of sexual control and discrimination, instead of racist, few take the time to notice.

I find this, and the very idea of government determining the availability of birth control........scary.  This pushes the envelope towards theocracy, a theocracy of the religious  right that, ironically, also reacts violently to any suggestion of "socialism" and a "welfare state".  It seems that girls may not protect themselves from becoming pregnant, but after conception, they and their children are on their own.....punished, just like the good days, for the great sin of not having been "chaste".

I know from first hand experience what it's like to be a very young girl, pregnant, and alone. I have great compassion as well for children born to children themselves.    I know  how hard women have fought for the right to vote, to work, to own property, and to control their own bodies, rights only available within the relatively recent past. Remember:  It wasn't until the end of the 19th century that a woman could own property, or control her own assets.   Black men were given the right to vote in 1870But women (of any color)  were not allowed the right to vote until 1920, 50 years later!  Until very recently, birth control was still illegal in some states, including Connecticut ( in 1965, the Supreme Court  ruled in the case Griswold v. Connecticut  that prohibiting the use of contraceptives violated the "right to marital privacy"). In 1972, the case Eisenstadt v. Baird expanded the right to possess and use contraceptives to unmarried couples.  1972!
Here's a petition circulating to support birth control today: