Showing posts with label National Organization of Women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National Organization of Women. Show all posts

Friday, July 15, 2016

"She's Beautiful When She's Angry": Documentary about the Women's Movement

I recently saw a great documentary, on Netflix, about the second wave of feminism in the 60's and 70's  that occurred with the advent of Betty Friedan's THE FEMININE MYSTIQUE, the formation of  the National Organization of Women (N.O.W.) and led into the struggle for equal pay and equal rights, the right to birth control and abortion, and openly addressing the universal violence toward women.  

I remember it well, because I was there!  I met some of these women, they were my heroines.  I marched in San Francisco, I attended consciousness raising groups. 

I've seen so very much change in my lifetime because of that time, and those leaders, and there is still so much farther to go.  An important film, beautifully made.