Showing posts with label Inquiring Mind Magazine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inquiring Mind Magazine. Show all posts

Monday, May 30, 2011

Inquiring Mind

"Then we shared food at a community feast.  Our procession did not end all gang violence, but you could see the neighbors who had lived in fear or isolation talking to one another about the problems in the community.  disparate community members connected in ways only the language o ritual can provide. "
Jack Kornfield, on ritual
I feel very honored  that my work is in the current (Spring 2011) issue of the wonderful Buddhist magazine, INQUIRING MIND.  More so, in that my piece below is the illustration for an article by writer and Vipassana teacher Jack Kornfield, whose book "A Path With Heart" has been a source of wisdom and solace to me for many years. 

I never had a formal showing of this work, which was installed at Wesley when my residency there ended in 2009 at the end of the semester.  I think in some ways I felt very disappointed about this, as it was a ritual community art work I created for the Seminary, and with members of the community's hands.   I love that the editors really understand the meaning of this piece, using it to illustrate Jack Kornfield's article about ritual, "Language of the Heart".  So perfect - thank you!

There is a synchronicity for me here as well, which I cannot fail to notice and feel amazed by as well.  The theme and title for this season's magazine is PASSAGES, and Inquiring Mind comes out of Berkeley, California.  My ritual theatre and ritual arts gallery in Berkeley (1998-2000) was called "Rites of Passage Gallery".

"Weavers", Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, D.C. (2009)

Further information about this piece and it's evolution, is at  Lauren Raine MFA Blog (2009).