Showing posts with label Bridgit's Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bridgit's Day. Show all posts

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sig Lonegren on Imbolc

Here's what Sig recently wrote on his Blog about Imbolc. 
 Time to begin to germinate those seeds!  Thanks Sig!

 "Imbolc is that time of the Celtic yearly cycle when the seed that was planted at Samhain (1 November) and lies dormant through the dark of the winter, by throwing out that little cotyledon, moves by itself for the first time.  It is analogous to the quickening in the human reproductive cycle.  It has a life of its own.  In Vermont, an underground chamber called Rodwin is oriented toward the Imbolc Sunset.


Here in Glastonbury, the Pilgrim Reception Centre sponsored a new Holy Thorn (the old one on Wearyall Hill was vandalised).  This cutting from the old Holy Thorn was planted several days ago at the Abbey Car Park next to a new World Peace Pole and a Glastonbury bench for visitors to rest on. Imbolc is the time when ideas or plans that have been lying fallow in the dark all winter are now ready to begin a life of their own.  What projects have you been thinking about that are ready to begin to move, to manifest?  Use this time of Imbolc to feel that quickening, and  ready to give birth?

The Blessings of Bridget
Be With You
This Imbolc!


Sig Lonegren
Mid-Atlantic Geomancy
SunnyBank Centre
Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 8JE