Lilith is so important for our time, because she represents the wounded and disenfranchised feminine, and the de-sacralization of sexuality. She is the archetypal
Dark Goddess. I'm pleased to share here a forthcoming class with my friend D'vorah Grenn.

"Never, for the sake of peace and quiet, deny your own experience or convictions" - Dag Hammarskjold
This has been one of the guiding principles of The Lilith Institute since its founding twenty years ago. My commitment to working with women to give full expression to our voices is stronger than ever, so it seems the perfect time to offer "Meeting Lilith, the Original Nasty Woman” as my first class of 2017.
As we begin to heal the rifts and uncertainties left by the election, this class offers the opportunity to come together to learn about the complex figure of Lilith, the first woman, and how she traversed the wilderness, the unknown. Join us to start the New Year off on a positive note as we reflect on both her story and ours. We will discuss ways of getting in touch with our internal nasty woman, claiming her courage and full voice as we reconnect with our own unique characteristics. In so doing, we will ground ourselves to move forward with greater power and strength through our own moments of anger, fear, loss and overwhelm.
Four Sundays, January 8 - 29, 10 AM - 11 AM PST in our virtual classroom on Classes to be recorded, in case you can't join us in "real time". EARLY BIRD price: $99 until December 28; after that $109 (December 29-January 7).
Payable via PayPal to or by check made out to D'vorah Grenn and mailed to:
The Lilith Institute P.O. Box 6004 Napa, CA 94581
Registration will be confirmed and additional course details sent upon receipt of payment.
Please share this course with anyone you think may be interested — and stay tuned for news of our other upcoming classes on Ancestor Reverence, Altar Building as Transformative Spiritual Practice, Jewish Magic & Superstition, Creating Feminist Midrashim as Liberatory and more!
Warm regards, D’vorah
D’vorah J. Grenn, Ph.D., Kohenet Founder, The Lilith Institute 650-863-1986

It sounds wonderful!
Just saw this -- thanks for your artistic inspiration ! Blessings, D'vorah
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