I've been invited to enter a show here in Tucson, and for some reason, immediately wanted to enter my "La Mariposa" above. Perhaps it is because we are approaching spring.
In her book “Women Who Run With The Wolves”,
Clarissa Pinkola Estes wrote that the Hopi “Butterfly Dancer” must be old, because the work of pollinating
the future is the work of age, of experience.
I never forgot this, and have made many “Butterfly Women” as I myself approach old age. Without the grace of the pollinators there
will be no future, whether we speak of next year’s crop, or the minds of the
young. It's a job for one who has lived
through many cycles, and can seed and generate the future from a solid base.
"The (Hopi) butterfly dancer must be old because she represents the soul that is old …….Butterfly pollinates the souls of the earth. This is the translator of the instinctual, the fertilizing force, the mender, the rememberer of old ideas. She is La voz mitológica, the Mythic Voice."
The Mythic Voice. How wonderful!
I take the liberty of re-posting an article about exactly that from several years back...........
I take the liberty of re-posting an article about exactly that from several years back...........
Butterfly Mind, Pollen Heart
Beauty above me,
Beauty below me,
Beauty before me,
Beauty behind me,
I walk in Beauty.
Navajo (Dine`) Prayer
"Art is not a thing, it's a way of
(seen on billboard in La Verne, Ca. 2011)
It's May Day as I
write, Beltane, although, considering the events in Japan, "May Day"
may also mean a huge cry for planetary help.
I love the painting above, which I found in a magazine; I don't know who the artist is, but thank him or her often for this "Butterfly Woman" from whom thoughts like butterflies emanate out into the world to do their work. Perhaps the artist will forgive me that I do not know his or her name........but be glad that the work has gone forth to do its work in my heart and imagination. Pollen: agent of new life, new hope, transformation.
I love the painting above, which I found in a magazine; I don't know who the artist is, but thank him or her often for this "Butterfly Woman" from whom thoughts like butterflies emanate out into the world to do their work. Perhaps the artist will forgive me that I do not know his or her name........but be glad that the work has gone forth to do its work in my heart and imagination. Pollen: agent of new life, new hope, transformation.
As we (well, some of us) wind our way to the May Pole, and plant that metaphor into the still fertile earth, weaving our dreams into the ribbons of this ancient ritual of fertility, perhaps I can find a way to image the celebration of love and hope with a vast, global cry for help that sounds like a beating heart beneath the surfaces of our lives, just beneath our feet. As the drums and penny whistles sound, as we dance, may we all become Pollinators for our time, for the future.
Like the woman who walks above, this is my prayer: May we have butterfly minds, pollinator hearts.
The ancient Greek word for "butterfly" is ψυχή (psȳchē), which means "soul" or "mind". And I have often found them mysteriously "soulful", as they seem to flit in and out of mystery. The picture above, for example - it was from the San Francisco Chronicle at the me of the great peace march against the incipient Iraq war, and shows three friends with their "soul icons" - me in the mask of Sophia, Alan Moore, founder of the Butterfly Gardeners Association, and Nicole, creator of "Cosmic Cash". Note that her icon, also, has occurred in this synchronistic photo.
Transformers, pollinators .......... they begin their lives as caterpillars, build a crysalis, and generate imaginal cells...........
If we can see that
our thoughts participate in pollinating the future, we can perhaps
find ways of living with simplicity and honor, even in a time so very out of
balance. Regardless of where one is, there is a profound need to
"walk in Beauty". To be "on the Pollen Path".
Without the grace of
the pollinators, the butterflies and hummingbirds and bees, there will be no
future. This idea is fundamental to spiritual traditions of native
peoples of the Southwest, including the Pueblo peoples, the Navajo and the
Apache. As shown above, when this young Apache woman came of age and
entered into her fertile years, she was honored by the tribe with symbolic
"The Pollen Path" is a healing and initiatory ceremony/concept among the Dine` that variously enacts a mythic journey, and demonstrates a cosmology of non-duality. "Pollen Path" art and sand paintings often show the union of opposites, such as red sun and blue moon, as well as mandalas, the balance achieved within the circle. In keeping with May Day, Psyche in Greek mythology was a beautiful girl who was loved by Eros, the god of Love. Here is "fertility", generation, pollination..........the union of soul/mind with love.
As I imagine a "pollen path" for our time, and emanations of hope and beauty, I reflect as well that some butterflies, like the Monarch or the Painted Lady, are migratory. Monarch butterflies will migrate over very long distances, as amazingly frail as they seem. Some travel from Mexico to the norther parts of the United States and into Canada, a distance of over 2,500 miles.
Lastly, a few thoughts from one of my favorite storytellers, Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, on the work of the Butterfly Dancer. May we all, women and men, young and old, become Butterfly Dancers this May Day.
"The Pollen Path" is a healing and initiatory ceremony/concept among the Dine` that variously enacts a mythic journey, and demonstrates a cosmology of non-duality. "Pollen Path" art and sand paintings often show the union of opposites, such as red sun and blue moon, as well as mandalas, the balance achieved within the circle. In keeping with May Day, Psyche in Greek mythology was a beautiful girl who was loved by Eros, the god of Love. Here is "fertility", generation, pollination..........the union of soul/mind with love.
As I imagine a "pollen path" for our time, and emanations of hope and beauty, I reflect as well that some butterflies, like the Monarch or the Painted Lady, are migratory. Monarch butterflies will migrate over very long distances, as amazingly frail as they seem. Some travel from Mexico to the norther parts of the United States and into Canada, a distance of over 2,500 miles.
Lastly, a few thoughts from one of my favorite storytellers, Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, on the work of the Butterfly Dancer. May we all, women and men, young and old, become Butterfly Dancers this May Day.

"La Mariposa" from Women Who Run with The Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Clarissa Pinkola
Estes tells the story of waiting to see the "Butterfly Dancer"
at a ceremony. Tourists, unused to Indian Time, wait throughout a long,
hot, dusty day to see the dancer emerge, expecting, no doubt a slender,
ephemeral Indian maiden, and they are no oubt they were shocked out of their
patronizing cultural fantasy to see at last the grey haired
Dancer/Pollinator emerge, slow, not young, with her traditional tokens of

Because in the
agricultural ritual these dances symbolize and invoke, call in, the forces that
initiate the vital work of pollination, this is no job for for an
inexperienced girl, no trivial token flight for a pretty child. It's a
job for one who has lived through many cycles, and can seed and generate the
future from a solid base.
Woman mends the erroneous idea that transformation is only for the tortured,
the saintly, or only for the fabulously strong. The Self need not carry
mountains to transform. A little is enough. A little goes a long way. A
little changes much. The fertilizing force replaces the moving of mountains.
Butterfly Maiden pollinates the souls of the earth: It is easier that you think, she says. She is shaking her feather fan, and she’s hopping, for she is spilling spiritual pollen all over the people who are there, Native Americans, little children, visitors, everyone. This is the translator of the instinctual, the fertilizing force, the mender, the rememberer of old ideas. She is La voz mitológica."
"La voz mitológica". The mythic voice. The Mythic Voice re-enchants the world around us, lending luminosity to each footstep, and pollinates, energizes, en-chants those who hear. It is transparent, permeable. And one way to walk the Pollen Path.
Butterfly Maiden pollinates the souls of the earth: It is easier that you think, she says. She is shaking her feather fan, and she’s hopping, for she is spilling spiritual pollen all over the people who are there, Native Americans, little children, visitors, everyone. This is the translator of the instinctual, the fertilizing force, the mender, the rememberer of old ideas. She is La voz mitológica."
"La voz mitológica". The mythic voice. The Mythic Voice re-enchants the world around us, lending luminosity to each footstep, and pollinates, energizes, en-chants those who hear. It is transparent, permeable. And one way to walk the Pollen Path.