In 2010 Bolivia passed the "Law of the Rights of Mother Earth (Pachamama)", the first time the Earth Herself , and all of Her ecosystems and co-habiting creatures, has been recognized as having rights. Now this: truly, I applaud them! Would that my own country was this progressive.
Martin Luthor King said "I have a dream", and that speech continues to inspire. It's time for half the human race to have a dream as well, a dream of living without violence, without rape, without discrimination for being born female.
"In La Paz, Bolivia, community members and loved ones of Juana Quispe gather for a vigil, followed by a march on the prosecutor'’s office demanding justice and an end to violence against women. It’s been a year since Quispe was murdered, and like the majority of similar cases, nobody has been held responsible for her death. The Plurinational State of Bolivia has passed a new law aiming to address soaring levels of violence against women in the South American country. The new “Comprehensive Law to Guarantee Women a Life Free of Violence” was signed into effect by President Evo Morales on Saturday, March 9. The document touches upon a number of themes, including working in the areas of prevention, prosecution, sanctions, and of course restitution. Prevention means working with the Ministry of Education so that the educational curriculum can include the subject of gender equity and the subject of women's human rights…. The law also in a way allows the creation of specialized courts, authorities that will be trained in areas of gender, violence, human rights, and that this be applied in order to prevent cases from remaining in impunity."