"I've always conceived of the Rainbow as actually being a circle. Half disappears into the ground, into an underworld realm, hidden, but present. Like the Goddess. Perhaps what she gives us now is the means to seed a rainbow vision."
Christy Salo, Artist
“Rainbow Bridge consciousness is a way of thinking and acting that allows us to hold multiple perspectives in our minds simultaneously....As the saying goes, there are always two sides to a story. Rainbow Bridge consciousness is unity consciousness.”
Brent N. Hunter, The Rainbow Bridge
I'm pleased to announce that I've published my book about The Rainbow Bridge Oracle !
I've been working on these cards on and off for about 20 years. Originally I wanted to make my own Tarot deck, but it became apparent that the ideas were diverging from the Tarot after a while, so I just made what I wanted. A lot of friends have asked about them, but publishing the cards was never affordable, until recently, when I discovered a site for people who make games. They print card decks on demand! So now I can offer the deck of 52 cards, with a velvet bag, for anywhere between $15.00 to $25.00.......I'm still sorting it out.

Softcover $27.95
Hardcover, Dust Jacket $41.95
Hardcover, ImageWrap $45.95
118 pages
Limited edition text and artwork - book only available through
Blurb. For a preview of the book visit this LINK!
"In the Tarot, the Higher Arcana is a progression through what mythologist Joseph Campbell called the "Hero’s Journey". The first card in the traditional Tarot deck is The Fool . The Fool represents the utterly open innocence with with we incarnate into this world. The Arcana progress through different experiences, revelations, trials and initiations. The last card of the Journey is
The World, the return Home.
The journey is a Circle.
Some New Cards:
"What might we see, how might we act, if we saw with a webbed vision? The world seen through a web of relationships….”
Catherine Keller
Catherine Keller
A weaver takes threads of many colors and skillfully weaves them together into a beautiful tapestry. We talk about "spinning a tale", meaning a storyteller takes "threads" of different characters and weaves them together into a good story with many inter-woven events.
The name "Penelope" originally meant "with a web on her face", a term that was probably a title for an oracle, or perhaps a Goddess of Fate. But "webbed vision" can also have a contemporary meaning as a way of seeing the world with a unitive eye, all people connected and in relationship to each other. That kind of vision enables you to be a "good weaver" in your community, family, and life. You are a person who helps others to "connect the dots" - a true instinctual networker.
Reversed: You may be having a hard time seeing the connections between people and/or events in your life, partly because you feel so disconnected and isolated from others. Get back "on line" with your life, and reach out to re-connect with whatever it takes.
"Remember that not getting what you want
is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck."
The Dalai Lama
is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck."
The Dalai Lama
"Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it" is an old folk saying that has much truth to it. We have all dreamed of having great wealth, or being with the best looking boy in school, or any number of wishes. And sometimes we do get what we think we want, but ironically, happiness can soon turn to misery and disappointment. Sometimes getting what we think we want can be the worst thing that can happen to us, because what we want is concentrated on desires that are immature, addictive, vindictive, greedy, or even unconsciously self-destructive. And sometimes getting what we don't want can turn out to be a great gift.
The "Law of Attraction" demonstrates that we attract that which we focus upon, and consciously (or unconsciously) what we concentrate upon can manifest. Loving and generous wishes attract loving and generous results. Negativity and pessimism generally manifests more negativity and pessimism, creating a self-fulfilling cycle. Bearing all of this in mind, now is an excellent time to begin to manifest!
Reversed: You're not able to manifest what you want because of either a lack of belief in yourself, or you are too negative in your worldview.
In this immeasurable darkness,
be the power that rounds your senses
in their magic ring,
Rainier Maria Rilke

This is a tool we have largely lost. True visionary experience is "soul language"; like dreams and synchronistic experiences, a vision has multiple layers of meaning, and transcends time as we understand it. Visions, like dreams, communicate universal and personal truths, and whether unintended or intentionally induced in some way, can catalyze a spiritual path or a life's work. You are encouraged to "call for vision" in your own way. Do it in a sacred manner, and share and discuss your vision with others of like mind.
Reversed: Visions can be profoundly significant.......but sometimes there is a fine line between spiritual revelation and highly subjective schizophrenia. Practice discernment.
1 comment:
This looks fantastic!
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