Wednesday, June 15, 2011

James Lovelock, Father of Gaia Theory

I've not had much time to write lately.  An update to the massive Wallow fire that is threatening Anima Sanctuary in New Mexico - it continues to approach Reserve, N.M., but hasn't arrived.  All the folks there are busy around the clock clearing their land, and preparing for evacuation if necessary.  We continue to pray for them, and to pray for rain.  I think of the many Kachinas I've seen that represent the thunderclouds of New Mexico monsoon season, dark threads of rain flowing beneath them.  Nothing, in the desert, is more precious than rain.

James Lovelock, the Father of Gaia Theory (with collaborator Lynn Margulis) is 93.  I was pleased to find several recent interviews with him on UTube, and felt like sharing them here.  As Dr. Harding comments, James Lovelock should have received the Nobel Prize long ago.


Valerianna said...

Oh, so much in peril... I do hope the rains come and the fires die. Thanks for the videos... many blessings!

Anonymous said...

I think he should've received the noble, too. People like him should be recognized.

Praying for rain.

Lauren Raine said...

Thanks so much for your's just been an awful season here. June is always the worst month, because the monsoons don't come until July. I hope there are Native American Rainmakers working now...........