"Ts’its’tsi’nako, Thought-Woman, the Spider,
is sitting in her room thinking of a story now:
I'm telling you the story she is thinking."
Keresan Pueblo Proverb
I have made an unfinished mask face that looks very much like an old, strong, Native American woman, and I've been unsure of what goddess the face should become. I belong to an on-line group that is researching and exchanging information about goddess myths that reflect "spirit of place" and themes of ecology especially, as we explore ideas for a performance in the future. This morning a Macha shared an article by her colleague,
Rachael Watcher, Public Information Officer at
Covenant of the Goddess (COG), about her recent participation in a conference that took place in India. Its theme this year was "
Nourishing the Balance of the Universe - a gathering of the Elders".

I thought of one of my favorite "Elder" stories,
Grandmother Spider Woman, who weaves and re-weaves many different threads into harmony and pattern with the stories she spins about how the world is, and might become. I thought about "Spider Woman's Cross", a motif woven often into Navajo rugs, which represents balance, the union of the 4 Directions. This cross motif has ancient origins, as does the "spider and cross" so often found in ornaments of the prehistoric Mississippian peoples. Perhaps the earliest Spider Woman/Weaver is to be found among Mayan art, where she probably represents the Earth Mother.
Then it occurred to me that, of course, the new face would become a mask for Spider Woman. It's the best myth I can think of to talk about ecology, and the interconnectedness of life. And with that thought in mind, it being morning, with cup in hand I walked outside and immediately saw a magnificent, ambitious spiderweb woven right behind the back of the chair I sit on to drink my coffee!
I can't tell you how many synchronicities involving webs and spiders have happened to me since Spider Woman became my Mythic Mentor. In fact, as I developed art inspired by stories of Grandmother Spider Woman, I began to see synchronicity as representing the essence of her message - synchronicities, like the almost invisible strands of the web I saw this morning, are those moments when we experience the underlying unity of consciousness. the "web of being". Or so I think.
And I've also met a lot of "spider women" (and men) along the way as well, weavers all. In fact, when people ask these days about my marital status, I tell them I'm a "spinster". I know I've published it before, but I felt like sharing again an interview I did with an herbalist, Danica, I met back in 2008 at a festival in New York.
Spider Woman & the Dream Time
"As a child I’ve always liked spiders. I would find them in the corners of my room and say “goodnight” to them. The spider motif has always followed me, because the first role I played was Charlotte in “Charlotte’s Web”! Spider Woman has always been my friend.
The most significant experience I've had occurred on my 25th birthday. At the time, I was finding it difficult to end a destructive relationship. That day I dreamed I was in my childhood house. I was chasing a spider, but she was always out of my reach. I crawled under beds, over tables, and finally the spider ran underneath the sink in the kitchen. There I saw a glorious, illuminated web hidden away underneath the sink, with a spider right in the middle! Looking closer, I could see that different strands held different experiences of my life, suspended on the web. As I watched, a strand broke off. It floated into the room, and turned into the man I was breaking up with! At that moment a woman spoke, explaining to me why our relationship was over, and the reasons it needed to end. My ex was a singer, and he sang a song as he walked out the door, and out of my life.
After he left I realized I was supposed to touch the web where it broke off. I realized, at that moment, that I was now free to make a choice about where to go next. There was a "harmonic" now that would change how my life manifested. As soon as I touched the web, I woke up!
To me, this dream experience was a kind of soul release, as well as a birthday blessing. It felt as if Spider Woman was teaching me about how continuity works. I was reminded that the Web is under everything, but I had to look underneath surface things, "under the sink", before I could realize that truth fully. Spider Woman seems to come at pivotal points in my life. If she shows up in a dream or synchronicity, I know it’s time to pay attention.
I have another story to tell about Her as well. My husband and I had moved into our apartment this past Yule. I found several beautiful spiders there and, as I always do, I welcomed them into our home. I was at the stove making cinnamon apples, and I turned around to reach for some fresh cardamom. As soon as I did, I heard what sounded like a shotgun going off. I had mistakenly turned the heat on beneath a Pyrex pot that held the apples. It shattered everywhere – except in a semi-circle close to me. My face was inches from the pot when I turned around. I was absolutely terrified with shock – and then I saw a spider, walking right across that little cleared area. And just as loud as day, I heard a voice say: “I keep you, you keep me.” At that I burst into tears of gratitude."
Danica Connors, 2008