But beyond the numbers, we know the arts matter for a wholly human reason--they illuminate, they console, they articulate. In short, they help us to explore and express the wonderfully messy business of being human. Art defines us through our thoughts, perceptions, creativity, and other qualities that make us human.
At SAACA, you have taught us that the arts are not political, but essential to our humanity and our future. Through your support of our community events and programming, you have proved this very thought to be true for over 20 years here in our community.
Because of you, we know that a strong nation requires creativity, imagination, collaboration, risk-taking and resilience. These skills, taught through artistic practice, are the core drivers of innovation.
The arts are directly connected to the long-term strength of America’s economy, education and and at the State level in Arizona, sustainable growth. IF YOU BELIEVE THIS TO BE TRUE, THEN WE ASK YOU TO JOIN US AND MAKE OUR VOICE HEARD.
This blueprint must be considered by the Congress who ultimately makes the decisions about the funding levels of federal programs, including outright elimination. The budget process is very long and very political, and there will be many opportunities to influence how members of Congress vote on this issue. Fortunately, federal support for our arts and cultural agencies has enjoyed bipartisan support in the past, and if members of Congress don’t understand the broad and deep support these agencies have among citizens like ourselves – they are about to find out. As part of the Arts advocacy campaign in Arizona, we are asking you to go to the Americans for the Arts Action Center and send a customizable message to your elected representatives in Congress.
Actively recruit your friends and family to do the same. Generously, share information on social media, using the national hashtags – #SAVEtheNEA, #ArtsVote, AND tag your Congressional members.