Showing posts with label orbs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label orbs. Show all posts

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Orb Photos of Ginny Moss Rothwell for Samhain

Orbs, Halloween night, Downtown Tucson 2011 (photo by Ginny Moss Rothwell)

Blue orb

In a past post  I've shared the beautiful mosaic Shrines by Tucson artist  Ginny Moss Rothwell.  She is actually almost a neighbor, living in the same neighborhood.   Here's another past post about Ginny  that is worthy of being shared again, especially at the time of Samhain, Dia de Los Muertos, and Halloween.

Ginny is what I would call "an Orb Whisperer" as well as an extraordinary spiritual artist.  She has a great interest in orbs, and has taken many photographs of orbs over the years in many places, both at home and in very domestic situations, as well as at gatherings, festivals, and sacred ceremonies.  She is a researcher and an artist, and I find her photographs of orbs that occur in her studio, home, and other places she has visited not only quite amazing, but very  beautiful as well.  I actually was present once when she "requested" any spirits that might be present to manifest in her photographs in specific colors, and I was truly amazed when the photographs actually did come out in the requested colors!  What, perhaps, does Ginny have about her that makes her an Orb Whisperer?  I tend to think it is the fact that she is an artist, a lover of mystery and beauty, and perhaps most of all, friendly, co-creative play.  In other words, I think the "orb beings" like her!

Violet orb
No one knows what "orbs" really are.  I've embedded a video about a movie made in 2008 about the phenomenon at the very bottom of this post.  Wikipedia has an article by a cynic who is quite certain they are just  dust specks, and I'm a bit disappointed with Wikipedia over that, because especially after seeing Ginny's work, it's absurd to make such a claim.  Among other things, the photographs she takes definately show a kind of spacial sense, as if the orbs are receeding into the distance as well as growing larger in the foreground. 

Green orb
Ginny has not only photographed many "fields" of orbs in different places, which refute the "dust on the lens" idea since they clearly appear to receed into space, but, just as she has a friendly, interactive relationship with the birds and lizards that share her back yard, it would also appear she has a friendship with the invisible visitors as well.  I've seen her ask out loud if "anyone is there", and then taken photographs around her person. As I said, on occasion she has asked if "they" would present themselves in colors.  Which they often do!

Nature spirits?  Fairies?  Devas? Angels?  Spirits of the dead?  All part of a conversational world, and although we may not know exactly what or who these beings are,  I do think that they love to gather where ever there is creativity, beauty, and loving kindness.  Thank you Ginny for sharing your work!

Orb field in night sky, backyard.  Circled orbs on close up have the appearance of a "heart" shape within them, according to Ginny, who has examined the photo closely.

Christmas lights and orbs at Winter Haven - Ginny says they seem to manifest often at festivals and gatherings.

Orbs and a strange shape in the back yard by daylight

Orb photographed over head of JZ Knight at conference devoted to Orbs.  Photo by Ginny Moss Rothwell .  JZ Knight requested that attendees photo her while she lectured.

Friendly visitors on a warm Tucson night.

Orb in motion

Red orb

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Just some pictures......

Earth Shrine Icon #12 (2012)
"The future enters into us, 
in order to transform itself in us,
long before it happens."


Just felt like posting two images, one a recent sculpture (thank you, Charlie, for letting me turn your hands into a tree), the other a photo my roomate, Amaranta, took of sparks over a bonfire she attended at Halloween.  She seems to be, like my friend Ginny, another person who has orbs show up in her photos (they never do in mine).  This image is beautiful in its own right..........almost, a kind of dance.

Photo by Amaranta Kozach
"Don't just do something.  Stand There."

The Book of Grace

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Dia de los Muertos Procession and....Orbs!

 My friend Ginny Moss is not only an amazing tile artist, and photographer, but she is also a "friend of Orbs".  She has taken some amazing photos with orbs appearing in them, and her photos of the "Dia de los Muertos Procession" this past Sunday in downtown Tucson were spectacular.

Over the years the Procession has grown to something attended by thousands of people, all commemorating and celebrating the Day of the Dead.   The parade ended this year with a Fire Performance by Flam Chen.

And look at all the Orbs that attended!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Orbs at my house

I had my artist friend Ginny over for dinner last night, and before leaving she took some photos of the night sky over my house.  I was amazed at the orbs that showed up!  She and friend Charlie asked for colors...........and sure enough, a beautiful red orb, and a blue, appeared in the photos.

And of course, she also shared the recent summer appearance of her lizard, Marco, at his Retreat.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Art (and Orbs) of Ginny Moss Rothwell (Pt. 1)

"Petroglyph" (based upon Tibetan petroglyphs)
I wanted to share the unbelievable mosaic art of Ginny Moss Rothwell, who is also a neighbor of mine, living in the "poet's corner" area of Tucson.  I went  to her house recently to view her paintings done in pieced tile and glass,  and came away not only amazed at the  beauty, and very unique craft  of her work, but also the conversation we had about orbs.  Ginny has photographed thousands of orbs for years, and like the friendship she has with the  birds and animals that live in her back yard (and often visit her art as well), I can say that Ginny has a friendly relationship with  many "invisible collaborators" as well.  Asking for  colors in some of her "orb photos" she has been able to show photos of orbs that appear in various colors - violet, blue, green or red. 

In fact, there's so much material she kindly gave me permission to share on the subject, that I need to break this post into two sections, one to share her artwork, and the next will be about the orb photographs.  

"Jewel in the Lotus"
This mosaic, like "Quan Yin and the Dragon King" below, is the Goddess of Compassion, Quan Yin, who is also related to Tara in Tibetan Buddhism.  In the mosaic below, based on traditional sacred imagery, Quan Yin is with the Dragon, as she is also above, portrayed as a modern woman.  I love the orbs that occur throughout the works as well, the invisible presences and energies.  Here's Marco,  the model for the Dragon King, another one of Ginny's friends who has his own lizard apartment complex in the back yard.
"Quan Yin and the Dragon King"

Here's Ginny at work in her studio, and below a wonderful piece dedicated to Frieda Kahlo - I love the milagros that she uses to frame the work.  For anyone not familiar, "milagros" (I'm used to seeing them in silver, and identified with specific parts of the body, such as the heart, or foot, or hand, etc.)  are religious charms that are traditionally used for healing purposes in Mexico,  They are often attached to altars, shrines, and left as a petition for healing in places of worship, and can be purchased in churches  or from street vendors. 

"Frieda" (with milegros)

This portrait of Frieda includes Chopra, Ginny's friend and model who happens to be a mockingbird.  I once had a mockingbird friend named Mozart, but I suspect Chopra is much more philosophically inclined than he was.
"Hok and Cricket", more of Ginny's friends