Showing posts with label genetically modified foods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label genetically modified foods. Show all posts

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Goddess Help Us, Monsanto Wins the Nobel Peace Prize

I've posted several times about the dangers of GMO's, and posted the film "The World According to Monsanto".  GMO's are illegal in Poland, and riots have ensued in France because of them.  Well, here's reality turned on its ear. 


Monsanto wins prestigious World Food Prize

If only, if only it were a joke……..

If you thought the world couldn´t get any crazier, news this week that a Monsanto executive is to receive the World Food Prize for its services to agriculture might make you think again.
Robert T Fraley, Executive Vice President of Monsanto, along with Mary Dell Chilton, founder of biotech giant Syngenta, have been announced as this year´s winners for the prestigious food prize, which has a $250,000 reward. Fraley, who has been with Monsanto throughout much of its dark history, is being lauded for his invention of GMOs, while Chilton is applauded for spending “the last three decades overseeing the implementation of the new technology she developed and further improving it to be used in the introduction of new and novel genes into plants.”

The accolades are set to be given to these cretinous executives on World Food Day, October 16. If this insane plan goes ahead without a public backlash, we will be rewarding CEOs who have systematically:
  • Monopolized our food and driven millions of farmers into poverty
  • Designed dangerous artificial growth hormones for dairy cows
  • Created franken-seeds and prohibited investigation into their long-term effects
  • Tried to block the labelling of GMO foods
  • Patented food in a sickening attempt to own nature itself (Hey, Monsanto! I grow my own broccoli, what you gonna do about it?)
  • Enforcing these patents by suing and threatening smallholders and family farmers who violate Monsanto´s iron rule
  • Caused mass suicide among millions of farmers whose GM crops fail
  • Invented pesticides that kill bees and endangered other wildlife
  • And later had the audacity to launch legal action against the European Union after it finally banned bee-killing pesticides in May this year.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

One Nation Under Monsanto? Where has Democracy Gone?

I was so happy to see national protests yesterday against Monsanto.   One of the  Senate's latest insults to Americans this week was to PROHIBIT states from legislating labeling of GMO food.   Hows that for contempt?  Not even bothering to hide the fact that Monsanto controls the Senate?  Here's a video of  yesterday's protests against Monsanto drawing a reported 2 million in 400 cities worldwide to the streets:

Congress passed a bill in March that gave Monsanto special exceptions to proceed with GMOs even if such crops were thought to be dangerous (the so called "Monsanto Protection Act")  

 This week the Senate refused by a 27-71 vote the Bernie Sanders Amendment to the Farm Bill that would have permitted states to pass bills requiring GMO labeling, effectively FORBIDDING STATES from labeling GMO engineered foods .  In essence telling the American public that this corporate entity can do whatever it wants without determining first what will be the environmental  impact, and, the American people will not be allowed to know that they are eating GMO foods.   

There is a petition to Obama to repeal the "Monsanto Protection Act", but I doubt it will do any good  now that the Senate has explicitly voted to prohibit labeling of GMOs for States.

 A few weeks back I posted a TED Talk by Lawrence Lessing about, in essence, corporate ownership of our government, which was once a democracy.  And the Multi-National Corporate State is doing a very bad job of governing, since, with climate change, destruction of the oceans, fracking what's left of the underground water tables............need I go on?...................their profits are going to be very bad in the not too distant future, because there won't be many people left to "consume" what little is left. 

And there is no Corporation more powerful, or scary, than Monsanto, a corporate entity that is busy playing God/dess with absolute impunity.   I posted previously about the "Monsanto Protection Act" that was just passed, and feel, in good conscience, that I need to post further for the benefit of any who may not know about why people have been marching this week against Monsanto.  Below  is the   documentary "The World According to Monsanto".   Having watched it, I BELIEVE EVERYONE NEEDS TO SEE THIS FILM.  This is truly monumental, and frightening, whether we're hearing a French scientist report that the universally used weedkiller Roundup "provokes the cell division leading to the formation of cancer", to the almost complete  loss of independent farms and  biodiversity in Uruguay.   

In India farmers are being driven to suicide because they can no longer, due the fact that Monsanto completely controls the cotton seed market,  afford to plant their traditional crops (Monsanto and the Seeds of Suicide).  As a result, they are falling deeper and deeper into debt, losing their lands, and being displaced from traditional homelands. farmer Troy Rouse talks, in the film (below) about being sued by Monsanto. (If you grow organic or conventional,  and your neighbor grows Monsanto, the two will likely cross, making you legally liable to be sued by Monsanto when they field test your seeds.)  Further, seed crops are being designed to be sterile, so that future planting must be purchased anew from the corporation****.    This means that  essential food crops could be controlled by a corporate entity demanding a tax which it can determine at will.  And what will happen if modified seeds escape into the gene pool, now that Monsanto has  carte blanche to proceed without appropriate controls  or even visibility to consumers?


Monday, March 25, 2013

The Monsanto Protection Act: Stop Corporatocracy

Tell President Obama to veto the Monsanto Protection Act! 

Last week Congress succeeded in passing Section 735, aka the Monsanto Protection Act, in the Continuing Resolution spending bill - HR 933. Once again, Monsanto and the biotech industry have used their lobbying power to undermine your basic rights.
The consequences of this for the future of our food and planet are profound, and what is equally disturbing is the fact this this bill gives further truth to the fact that we are no longer a government "by the people".  We are, as the important film ETHOS demonstrated recently, a CORPORATOCRACY.  Shall we allow Monsanto to so blatently demonstrate that we no longer have any control over our food, or our government?  Shall we so passively render over the hope of democracy, as well as protection, not for the profits of Monsanto, but for future generations?

We need you to sign a petition to President Obama and tell him to veto HR 933 and the Monsanto Protection Act. With the Senate passage of the Monsanto Protection Act, biotech lobbyists are one step closer to making sure that their new GMO crops can evade any serious scientific or regulatory review.  This dangerous provision, the Monsanto Protection Act, strips judges of their constitutional mandate to protect consumer and farmer rights and the environment, while opening up the floodgates for the planting of new untested genetically engineered crops, endangering farmers, citizens and the environment.  

We are asking that you sign the petition here and then call President Obama and demand that he veto HR 933. Join us in putting a stop to the Monsanto Protection Act!

"Corporations are artificial might say they are monsters trying to devour as much profit as possible at anyone's expense." 

 Howard Zinn