Showing posts with label Dancing the Goddess. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dancing the Goddess. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Pele Mask


I am Pele Honua Mea
Ka wahine ‘ai honua,
the woman who devours the land.

Feel the heat where steam dances
above the earthcracks  at Wahine Kapu,
between the rope folds of pahoehoe lava.
See the play of sunlight
on My ebony skin
a shimmering rainbow of color.

I am She Who shapes the sacred land.

I erupted in the ocean long ago!
In ecstasy I spewed my lava into the sea
in clouds of red, and black and white
I built the islands called Hawaii.

Honor me and my sacred mountain, Kilauea!
Take not one small rock from my body!
Honor  me or feel my wrath!

E nihi ka hele, walk softly!

You call me capricious, violent.
But my fires are the deep fires of Creation
Shaping  new lands:
Deep in the sea
I stir the great waters
I stir the air

Rising from the core of the Earth -
I, Pele Honua Mea
stir the cauldron of life!

Use My energy in correct action
Use My passion for righteous change
begin again in new and fertile ground!

Ignite!  Be transformed
at this time of the great change!
Arise and dance with me!
                    .......Mary Kay Landon

Making masks for the Parliament of World Religions performance, here at last is Pele, the Great Goddess who is the Spirit of Kilauea, the volcano of Hawaii. 

Pele has many native stories, and many contemporary stories of Her peculiar, as well as fiery,  manifestations as well.......

My feeling in making this mask was that She is one of the great Elemental builders of the planet, those great intelligent forces that bring forth the molten source of new lands and new life from the heart of the Earth.

I look forward to seeing the mask performed!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Masks for Tara?

 I am writing from a coffee shop somewhere just past Wichita, Kansas, on my way back to New York and Vermont.  So much I want to share...........wonderful photos of the Grand Canyon, places I've been, alas, no time.  But I do see an email from Prema Dasara, and the possibility opening again of doing a series of masks for her "21 Praises to Tara".  I wrote about this in 2010, and did create two models, but the timing wasn't right for the project.

Prema Dasara has traveled throughout the world, creating devotional dances based upon the Tibetan Prayer, the "21 Praises to Tara".  It was my privilege to attend one of her teachings in Portland (hosted by Goddess dancer Lena Grace  and her husband Jack).  Prema and her students are bringing the Blessings of Tara to many places with their prayers that are  mandala dances devoted to the 21 different aspects of the Divine Tara. It's powerful work, and I have admired Prema for many years.

As I noted in my previous post, there are potent synchronicities for me about going back to Vermont, back to New York, back to visit my friend Jewell at "The Source".  It was with Jewell, doing energy work in 1997,  that White Tara  manifested so strongly in my spirit, imagination, art, and dreams.  So, whether this opportunity materializes or not, this is wonderful.   How wonderful that this thread should suddenly re-weave itself into this journey................a circle!