Another new mask, this one dedicated to one of my favorite Goddesses, Lady Bast. I have enjoyed the friendship of quite a few of her loyal subjects, and they are, indeed, a noble and wise following.
Her paws whisper on temple floors
Her eyes luminous as the moon
Her ears pricked, alert to danger
Her whiskers sense currents from the unseen world.
Guardian of cats and women and children
Possessor of the uchat, the all-seeing eye
Bast wards against dangers in the spirit world -
Evil beings, enchantments, nameless things
Visible only to cats.
Daughter of Ra, the sun
Lady of the East, the Moon
Her eyes hold light in darkness
Ra the mighty sun
appears at dawn as a baby
appears at dawn as a baby
At sunset he is dying, and when he dies
Darkness falls.
But Bast prowls the Nile,
gazes into the setting sun
gazes into the setting sun
Holds his fire in her eyes
Shining in the dark,
until Ra is born again.
until Ra is born again.
Bast is Mistress of the science of relaxation.
Bast luxuriates in her sensuality and agility.
Bast luxuriates in her sensuality and agility.
She plays with her children:
But leaps ferociously to their defense.
She is The One Who Tears, Little Lion -
Her sharp claws are the vengeance of Ra.
Those who love Bast honor every cat.
Speak to them with respect
Lay gifts at their paws.
They call to her:
“Mau Bast! Mau Bast!”
Here is her blessing
Her secret wisdom is yours to know:
Sunny spots are best for dreaming.
Never waste a moonlit night,
and accept reality with supreme indifference
to the opinions of mere mortals.
by Mary Kay Landon