Showing posts with label metaphysics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label metaphysics. Show all posts

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Life Between Life: the Work of Michael Newton


Recently I've been re-reading  "Journey of Souls"  by Michael Newton Ph.D.  The book has been around since the 90's, and there are several other books Dr. Newton wrote about his many years of research as well.  Dr. Newton began as a hypnotherapist, and as he recounts, stumbled on a patient who "re-membered", from a transpersonal state, being in the spirit realm, between lives on earth.  

He, and his colleagues  worked with hundreds of people to explore the subject of life between life and to help people understand the "soul purposes" of incarnation.  Although Dr. Newton  passed away in 2016,  his work is carried on by the Michael Newton Institute, which trains practitioners in between life therapy.

I have found his books enormously comforting as well as fascinating.  Over and over his subjects recount leaving their bodies at death to return "home" to their Soul Groups - groups of souls that chose the lives they will incarnate in,   together,  over and over.  It is as if a "soul group" is a kind of collective Soul, encompassing the individualities of its members,  and ever growing and learning together.  For those who are afraid of death, or are suffering the loss of a loved one, I urge you to read this book.  I also offer two interviews with Michael Newton that I found on UTube.   

                           All artwork and text unless otherwise specified is COPYRIGHT Lauren Raine 2024

Thursday, September 15, 2011

"Life After Life" - the Movie

 I belong to a group called the Tucson Friends of IANDS  that meets at Unity church to share and discuss NDE's and related phenomena - they also bring speakers to Tucson.  They are affiliated with a much larger organization called the International Association  for Near-Death Studies. Recently they brought to my attention an award winning movie recently made about the subject by filmmaker  Peter Shockey (I take the liberty of copying from the website some bio about him and also Raymond Moody, the physician whose books about people who have died and been revived, and the experiences they share, have had a huge following for over 30 years.)

I hope to have a chance to view the film soon.  I find it fascinating, and encouraging, to see the continuing popular dissemination of this research, which not so very long ago were consigned to the fringe arena of the occult, or viewed as heresy by religious interests.  A recent film, Hereafter,  with Matt Damon and directed by Clint Eastwood, explores the subject in drama form.

Imagine a world without the fear of death?  I have a brother who has been in a vegetative state, on life support, for three years now - because of legal issues, and my family's terrible fear of death, I am not able to let my brother's body die, although I am certain that his spirit is no longer within it.  One of the reasons I belong to IANDS is because I believe this research is of great importance to our world and time, and our ability to grasp the interconnectedness of all life.  
"The LIFE AFTER LIFE film is the result of an ongoing labor of love - the amazing collection of real-life testimonials were selected from thousands of cases, and are the culmination of years of research, publications, books and specialized media-training by a broad spectrum of contributors."
 Dr. Raymond A Moody is the leading authority on the 'Near-Death Experience,' or NDE - a phrase he coined in the late seventies. Dr. Moody's research into the phenomenon of the NDE had its start in the 1960's, following an electrifying story told by a university professor (that professor, Dr. George Ritchie is one of the gentlemen interviewed in the LIFE AFTER LIFE film).

Peter Shockey is the producer, director & screenwriter of LIFE AFTER LIFE. His own true story - of how he responded to his father's terminal diagnosis - became the narrative for the film, in which Peter appears as himself.

The trailor for the  movie is also available at:

Life After Life Trailer from Peter Shockey on Vimeo.