Showing posts with label Fahrusha's Webblog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fahrusha's Webblog. Show all posts

Monday, April 30, 2012

Nuclear Situation in Japan

Image from the NY Times (

"Fukushima radiation spreads worldwide.........the University of California at Berkeley detected cesium levels in San Francisco area milk above over EPA limits" 


My friend Fahrusha has written an article recently about the disaster that occured in Japan after last year's earthquake.  I know that this has nothing to do with art, but I feel her article is very important, and so, with her permission, I copy it here, and suggest those interested view her blog as well.  Do we need any more proof that we are, truly, all One on our planet?

 Fukushima, the Media, and the Reality-based Worldview 

By Fahrusha from Fahrusha's Weblog

I have not wanted to write about Fukushima, because I have nothing good to say. My grandmother used to tell me “If you don’t have anything nice to say about someone, don’t say anything at all.” Sadly, I have not entirely lived up to her words, but I have tried. The Japanese people have much to overcome in their current situation and I do not wish to make their lot any worse than it is, and that would be difficult to do in any case.

I have been following closely the situation involving the nuclear reactors which were affected so disastrously by the earthquake off the coast of Japan last spring. The site from which I have gotten most of my information is Arnie Gundersen’s Fairewinds Associates. Mr. Gundersen and his wife have been steadfastly reporting the bad news that is horrible to hear, but it is bad news that we must force ourselves to hear. His is a wake-up call to all Americans that nuclear power is inherently horribly dangerous and that danger once unleashed is complete and lasting annihilation. American nuclear reactors are mostly old and past the date which they were originally intended to be taken off line. This adds to the danger as leaks are more likely from old reactors. The single piece of good news is that solar power has surpassed nuclear power in energy production in the United States.

In a nutshell, the Fukushima nuclear disaster is far from being over. The site is still red hot with nuclear particles. Tokyo itself, 148 miles away from the Fukushima reactors, should probably be evacuated. The level of contamination of random ground samples in Tokyo would be considered hazardous nuclear waste in the US.  The officials of TEPCO (Tokyo Electrical Power Company?) who run the Fukushima facility and the Japanese government have been lying to their citizens and to the world. TEPCO is even burning nuclear waste and putting hot particles in the atmosphere that we all breathe. They have become mass murderers as many innocent people and animals around the world who unwittingly breathe those particles will die horrible deaths from various cancers. This is not supposition, this is fact.
The US is in collusion with the cover-up of the facts. Please read the following articles:

I am extremely disappointed in Hillary Clinton in that she signed an agreement to the effect that the US would continue to import goods from Japan without subjecting them to testing for radiation.
Why has the media chosen to ignore the obvious danger coming from Fukushima and why do the government and various states continue to champion the building of these reactors, these machines of certain doom, although there are other cleaner energy options such as solar, wind, water and geothermal energy available? Many European countries whose populations may be more awake than Americans have begun the phasing out of all nuclear power from their borders. In fact the nuclear industry is greatly tax subsidized by the American taxpayer: See this Alternet story by US Senator Bernie Sanders and Ryan Alexander.

The Fukushima situation is worse than the disaster of Chernobyl in the Ukraine. Take seven minutes out of your busy life to look at the legacy of Chernobyl here. Notice that Chernobyl is estimated to have caused nearly a million cancer deaths worldwide.  Now realize that the Fukushima disaster will continue to cause cancers for the next 100,00o years. Yet our mass media outlets continue to ply us with vacuous stories and little to no information on this very real menace.

Please keep checking these internet news resources for valuable information, it may be the most important thing you can do for yourself, the environment and generations to come.
Fairewinds Associates
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
The SchwartzReport
The Fukushima Diary

Monday, February 20, 2012

Soundings of the Planet? Gaia's Voice?

  My friend Fahrusha gave me permission to reproduce the fascinating article she recently posted on her Blog  about the strange phenomena of rhythmic sounds heard in different parts of the world, which she suggests could "Gaia's Voice".  Although there have been quite few "copy cat" fakes since the video  from Kiev was posted, there seems to be fairly good evidence that the video below is genuine.  My  thanks to Fahrusha, who is a noted psychic in NYC, for her article below and her blog.

Weird sounds and Earth changes

On August 23, 2011 between 12:30 and 1:00 p.m. I was traveling on a ferryboat from Fire Island N.Y. to Long Island N.Y. after a too short holiday. There was a small girl about four years old who was also on the boat with a group of relatives. We were both riding on the open top level of the ferry. Towards the end of the ride I was gazing at the shore in anticipation when the level of the Earth seemed to shift. The sea was very calm. The child noticed it too and pointed and cried out to her fellow travellers who had not seen it. I mentioned it to my companion with a bit of anxiety but he hadn’t noticed it either.

Soon I was in a car driving west toward Manhattan. The event on the ferry probably would have passed totally from memory had it not been for the news I heard on the radio when I returned to the car after lunch: THERE HAD BEEN AN EARTHQUAKE IN NYC!!! Totally surprising, and as it turned out the actual epicenter of the quake was in Virginia, but it was clearly felt in New York City. The visual anomaly seen by myself and the child had been approximately an hour before the earthquake struck. Was there any connection? I do not know.

On Monday, February 02, 2009 at 10:34:19 PM and Tuesday, February 03, 2009 at 03:34:19 two earthquakes were felt just to the south of the location where I had been. I was not present for either of them but was told by several persons who were, that the sound was like that of a large truck that had been dropped from a great height.  Recently I have become aware of the mysterious sounds which a variety of people from many places around the world have heard. There are purported recordings of these sounds on YouTube, some of which are probably hoaxed, but I think not all.

What I personally think may be happening is related to global warming.  As the Earth’s temperature is rising quickly (in geologic terms) perhaps on average a degree a decade, the polar ice caps and many glaciers are melting causing a displacement of water. Simply put, large amounts of water in the form of ice are melting and the water in liquid form is going elsewhere. In the North Arctic/Atlantic region the melting fresh water being dumped into the sea seems to have affected and diverted the Gulf Stream causing Europe to have a record cold winter. With the Himalaya glaciers melting there is abnormal flooding in Pakistan and Bangladesh in the rainy monsoon season.  In other places the lack of snow/ice/glaciers are causing the land to rise very slowly and unevenly causing some of these sounds and earthquakes. Water is extraordinarily heavy even when it is only a few feet thick. Think of massive amounts of rock under considerable pressure shifting against one another for perhaps miles on a seam under the surface of the Earth. Granted, this explanation is somewhat simplistic, but generally speaking this is what I believe to be happening.

It would seem that it is The Mother Gaia speaking to us.

For an interesting compilation of these trumpet-like mechanical sounds heard worldwide and some back stories from experiencers go to which is Linda Moulton Howe’s Earthfiles website.


 Sounds recorded in Kiev, Ukraine, August 3, 2011

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Wake Up - New Movie

"Remember, the entrance door to the sanctuary is inside you."

Jelalu'ddin Rumi (1207 - 1273)

My friend Fahrusha is a fountain of information. Here is a trailor for a new documentory about extra sensory perception. The film is about Jonas Elrod, a New York based film maker who began "seeing things" inexplicably 10 years ago, and his personal quest to understand his experiences.

It sounds fascinating, and I'm also looking forward to the premiere of the new Matt Damon movie, "Hereafter".

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Time is changing?

My friend Fahrusha (the name means "Butterfly" in Arabic) is a well known psychic in New York City. She has a fascinating blog, Fahrusha's Webblog that often deals with issues and controversies of the paranormal, consciousness, as well as contemporary issues and culture. In the midst of my recent flurry of "Butterfly" synchronicities, Fahrusha sent me this article about the sun affecting the decay of radioactive matter - in essence, certain scientists are saying that the rate of decay is speeding up.
I know this post is far from being about art, but I was so stunned by reading I felt I should share it.
"In fact, some evidence of time dilation has been gleaned from close observation of the decay rate. If particles interacting with the matter are not the cause—and matter is being affected by a new force of nature-then time itself may be speeding up................Researchers have correlated the anomalies in the decay rate to a 33-day period. That time frame matches the 33-day rotation of the solar core. Such a match strains credulity as being a mere coincidence."

Here are some other articles about this phenomenon, for anyone who might be interested:

Is the Sun Emitting a Mystery Particle, Ian O’Neill, Discovery News

The Sun Influences the Decay of Radioactive Elements,Tudor Vieru, Softpedia

Mysteriously, Solar Activity Found to Influence Behavior of Radioactive Materials On Earth, Rebecca Boyle, POSCI