Saturday, December 15, 2007


I'd like to share an upcoming conference I've just heard about, by a national group called "Sisters of the the Earth". They offer impressive speakers, including Dr. Mary Tucker of Yale, addressing the issues of earth-based theology, as well as presentations by artists and ritualists. The conference will be held this year at Los Gatos, California July 10th through the 13th, 2008.

July 10-13, 2008
Presentation Center, 19480 Bear Creek Road, Los Gatos, CA

2008 Conference Theme: PAX GAIA

Holding the vision for Pax Gaia (the Peace of Earth) is seen as the most compelling challenge of our time. Geologian, Thomas Berry, introduced this theme after 9/11 in an essay reflecting the urgent need to embrace a cosmology of comprehensive peace. It is a peace that transcends Pax Romana (the peace of an empire) and Pax Humana (peace among humans). We are called to the Great Work that engenders Pax Gaia. To this end we create and foster
deep cultural therapies that address the deep cultural pathology of our time that has brought about such ecological damage (T. Berry, Evening Thoughts, 2006). The 2008 Sisters of Earth Conference will provide ample opportunity to network and share stories, music, art forms,
ritual and prayer, etc. . all through the lens of our theme - Pax Gaia.

What can we imagine as the cultural therapies that will engender Pax Gaia? Is it through our teaching, art, music, dance, poetry, lifestyle changes . the outer green projects and the inner
transformational work? What is needed? Come and share your Pax Gaia stories, network with kindred spirits.

Key speaker: Dr. Mary Evelyn Tucker is pleased to join our 2008 SOE Conference. She is co-founder and co-director of the Forum on Religion and Ecology. Since 1987 she has been a member of the Interfaith Partnership for the Environment at the UN Environment Programme
(UNEP). She served on the International Earth Charter Drafting Committee and is now a member of the Earth Charter International Council. Mary Evelyn is vice President of the American Teilhard Association and teaches Religion and Ecology at Yale. (

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