Monday, November 25, 2013

Lady Olivia Passes

   I was saddened  to learn that Lady Olivia, one of the founders of the international Fellowship of Isis, passed away this past month at the age of 96.  She's had a long life, and done so much to inspire, teach, initiate, and serve the Goddess - she will be missed by many.

I've many times gone to Isis Oasis in California, a Center for Goddess Spirituality that  is dedicated to the Fellowship of Isis.   Lady Olivia, who lived in Ireland, came there for many years.    If  you have met any of the Fellowship, you immediately are struck by what a wonderful, warm, life-affirming and creative group of people they are. 

Lady Olivia
, who co-founded the Fellowship of Isis with her brother in Ireland (and now around the world)  was much loved by friends and family everywhere.  I met her briefly when I was at the Goddess Conference in Glastonbury in 2011.  Recently a movie has been made about the Fellowship and Lady Olivia.  She came to Isis Oasis for Convocation and initiation of priestesses for many years from her home in Ireland.  

It will be strange to be in a world without Lady Olivia, although I know her work continues.

1 comment:

Trish and Rob MacGregor said...

96 is a lonng life! And she made great contributions. RIP!